Page 56 of The Star

I’ve spent more time with Sara in the house than anyone, sometimes watching movies on the opposite end of the couch to her in silence, then crawling back to my room to crash.

My dad is working toward becoming some higher position at the office, staying late to do God knows what. But I don’t really mind, to be honest. I’m holding too much resentment inside to spend time with him, putting the blame of my current situation on his shoulders. I’d rather be alone lately. I haven’t even really been talking to my friends back in Franklin – they all have their own lives but reach out sometimes only to be left onread.

By the time Halloween rolls around, I’m going absolutely insane, feeling like the four walls of my bedroom may cave in at any moment.

However, I still haven’t even made a single acquaintance in Luxington, giving me little to no options to celebrate my favorite holiday. I could always hit Guiliana up, but then I’ll have to answer questions regarding my recent hermit crab behavior, and likely feel like shit for shutting her out.

A grin pulls at my lips as I get out of bed. “You know what? Fuck it.” I speak aloud to myself, feeling a buzzing through my veins as I head to my closet. Pulling the giant box of Halloween stuff from the top shelf, I lay it on the floor and lift off the lid to search for what I need.

My smile grows when I finally find the little tubs of fake blood I used last year for Halloween, and standing up, I make my way to the bathroom and spread them out on the counter.

I take a quick shower, scrubbing the day’s makeup from my face before I go back to my closet to find something I can wear as a Halloween costume.

Slipping some fishnets on over a thong, I stand in front of all my hanging clothes to think of what I can piece together. An idea hits me, so I crouch down to dig through the box that’s still sitting open on the floor, hoping I didn’t throw away the fake vampire fangs I wore last year.

I find a pair of cat ears, throwing them to the side as a last resort – my heart set on using all the fake blood I have left. When I find the little plastic case that holds the false fangs, I squeal as I wrap my fist around it.

I pull on a plain black long sleeve bodysuit over my fishnets, foregoing a bra since it’s skintight anyways.

Then I take my Docs from the shelf, throwing them onto my bed as I pass by to the bathroom.

Twisting my hair up into a bun so I can do my makeup, I pull it all from underneath the sink and lay it out alongside my fake blood.

Once I’ve reapplied my foundation and drawn on my dark eyebrows, I smear dark purple eyeshadow on my eyelids, then line the outline of my eyes with black. I stick on some oversized lashes, then draw some dark, jagged lines shooting from the bottom of my eyes to look like veins.

I stare at myself in the mirror, and something is missing. I decide to add some bright, glittery highlighter to my cheeks, as well as to the corners of my eyes to make the darkness stand out more. After that, I line my lips with the same black eyeliner since I don’t have black lipstick, then fill in my lips with a dark, bloody red color.

I grin like a witch as I grab the scissors from under the counter and cut a ton of slices into the front of my bodysuit, showing the milky skin of my chest and a lot of cleavage. Once I’m satisfied, I finally open the first container of fake blood and dip an eyeshadow brush in it.

Once the bristles are saturated, I lean my head back and press the brush to the corner of my first eye, letting the blood trail down my cheek like red tears.

The black of the eyeliner mixes with the red in a streak down my cheek, giving the blood a darker look. I do the other eye the same, then line my lips with the thick blood, making sure it drips down my chin like I’ve just eaten a helpless human for dinner.

I go back to my room, slipping my feet into my boots before I move on to my next idea.

Pulling the bodysuit a little, I make sure a good amount of skin is showing under the slices I cut in with the scissors, then make my way back to the bathroom. I lay the damp towel from my shower down on the floor for the mess, then I pour the rest of the first container of blood onto my neck, making sure it drips down naturally to my chest.

Soaking my bodysuit, I grab the next little tub of fake blood and coat my hands with it. Pressing my hands to my legs, I make streaks against my skin and stockings with my fingers, making it look like I’ve just massacred an entire village.

I pull my hair out of the bun with my dirty hands, making sure I get blood in the strands of my hair as I shake it out and make it hang wildly around my face like the girl from The Ring.

A smile tugs up the corner of my lips as I look at myself in the mirror. I’m one part scary and two parts sexy, and it’s working to improve my mood.

I fuckingloveHalloween, and even if I’m not going out this year, I can still have a sexy little vampire photoshoot in my bedroom.

“What the fuck are you doing?” The abruptness of Carson’s humored voice makes me snap my head to the side to find him standing in the doorway to his room.

I laugh, turning my body so he can get the whole picture. “I’m a vampire.”

“You sure are.” He laughs. “You going out?”

“No,” I muse, finding his eyes. “Just wanted to celebrate.”

I grab the fangs from the counter, opening the box and slipping them on my incisors one by one before I catch Carson’s gaze again and give him an evil smile. “Wanna let me suck your blood?”

He takes a calculated step into the bathroom toward me. “I got something you can suck alright.”

I hum, sucking on my tongue as I look him over. “Always got sex on the brain, Carson Raines.”