Page 5 of Cruise Control

“Hey, this car is my baby, don’t talk about her like that.Sharona,” he crooned the name. Paige burst out laughing.

“This car is older than God, how can you call it your ‘baby’?” she finally looked over at him. He playfully glared at her.

“Cause she’s the first car I ever owned. First big purchase I ever made. I was fifteen, saw her on a lot in Queens, had to have her. This is a 1972 Cutlass, I’ll have you know. This is a collector’s car,” he informed her. Now it was her turn to snort.

“Yeah, maybe, if it wasn’t a rusting, falling apart, about to explode, on its last legs, piece of shit,” she rattled off, not worrying until after it was all out of her mouth if it was going too far. Luckily, he laughed.

“Okay, she’s not THAT bad. A new paint job, yes, that may be in order, and the bumper could use some TLC, but her engine is prime.”

He wasn’t lying. The black car had a line of rust growing along the bottom of it and the bumper was badly dented on one corner – left alone in a bad neighborhood, this car would not be bothered. But its engine purred like contented cat. A tap of the gas pedal and Paige could hear the V8 roaring like it was happy to be alive.

“I love cars. My favorite car is a Dodge Charger,” she commented.


She sneered at him.

“I’m sorry my tastes aren’t evolved enough to love a crappy Cutlass with all my heart.”

He chuckled.

“What about Chevelles?”

“That’s basically another Cutlass,” was her retort. He gasped, pressing harder on the gas pedal.

“That’s blasphemy.”

She smiled and settled deeper into her seat, bringing her knees almost to her chin. The last of the sun's rays disappeared behind a hill, leaving only a line of blue on the horizon. She felt comfortable. Usually when she caught rides, there wasn’t a whole lot of talking, especially if it was a male driver. She knew she wasn’t going to be sticking around for long, so she usually had no interest in getting to know people. This seemed different. Itwasdifferent.

“So what’re your plans in Louisiana, Connecticut?” she asked, shifting and jutting one leg out the open window. She heard him shrug.

“You’re pretty much looking at them. Drive. Stop to sleep. Stop to eat. Maybe look around. Drive some more. Dare I ask what your plans are,Carolina?” he teased. She rolled her eyes.

“Same, only less driving, more walking. More picture taking,” she replied. There was a long pause.

“What’re you gonna do when I finally stop?” he asked, his voice light.

“Probably stop for the night, too. I don’t know. Get a motel room, or see if there is a hostel or a Y somewhere.”

“And the next day?” he pressed. She swung her leg back and forth outside the window, enjoying the warm night air.

“More of the same. Stay a couple days. Or move on in the morning. Depends on how I feel.”

“Well, Paige Davis,” Parker started, slowing the car down as they entered the outskirts of New Orleans, “it has been a pleasure getting you out of Alabama. It gets lonely cruising by myself. Before I release you back into your natural habitat, wanna get something to eat?”

She chewed on a strand of hair, not wanting to think about them parting ways. “Depends on where we eat.”

He pulled into a Chinese buffet. At least he wasn’t trying to impress her, she figured. She didn’t need a guy getting all attached to her.

Though really, he seemed so uninterested in her as to be unaware she was female – she almost wondered if he was gay. He was very funny and witty and chivalrous, but kept his hands to himself and didn’t let his eyes wander. It was nice.

Yeah, sure,nice. I just love it when a very hot guy is oblivious to the fact I'm a woman.

After dinner, they stood awkwardly outside the door. Well, Paige stood awkwardly. Parker yawned and stretched his arms above his head, letting out a loud groan of satisfaction. She glanced at him, adjusting the straps of her backpack. This is why she didn’t make friends – she didn’t want to go. She wanted to talk some more, laugh some more, feel like she wasn’t alone some more – which was odd in itself, because usually Paige wanted to be alone more than anything.

“Well thanks for dinner. And the ride,” she said. He nodded. Neither of them looked at each other.

“It was fun. Been a long, quiet trip – it was nice to have someone to hang with. Take care of yourself?”