Page 4 of Cruise Control

“Very true, but I don’t hitchhike at night and after sitting around in that station for half the day, I don’t really have the energy to face that heat out there,” she told him.

“That’s easy - I’ll give you a ride,” he offered.

She raised her eyebrows.

“You really think that’s a good idea? I wasn’t kidding about that razor.”

“I’m not kidding, either. And the razor’s a good idea – you should have a stun gun.”

“I might, you don’t know me. And I don’t know you. What if you’re a rapist?”

He shoved his now empty plate aside and stood up.

“No offense, but I’m not particularly attracted to women who want me to suck their dick. I’ll be right back,” he said.

He winked at her again before walking off, leaving her with a laugh on her lips.


“... make me wanna commit homicide more than anything ever ...”

“Park.Park. Say it with me. It’s not hard, less letters, easier on the lips.”

Paige laughed, glancing over at Parker.Park. Nicknames had always seemed kind of intimate to her, she felt weird using them with people she didn’t know very well.

“Sounds like I’m talking to a place instead of a person. If I do use it, I still expect you to call me Queen.”

Three hours of driving later. After they had crossed the Alabama border, Paige had stopped being nervous. Parker seemed normal enough, very non-rapey. She usually had a pretty good radar for that kind of thing. In fact, he didn’t seem to take anything serious. At all. Made it easy to be around him.

He was older than her – twenty-five to her twenty-three. He seemed a little old to still be in school, but she didn’t judge. People were constantly questioning her for not going to college. She hated it. Hated a lot of questions in general. Parker seemed to be right up her alley – in all the time they’d been in the car together, he hadn’t asked her about her background at all. Apparently he’d gotten the hint in the diner to not even bother trying.

She rested her bare feet on the dash, her boots discarded on the floorboard. She stared out the open window. The sun had almost completely set, and everything outside was bathed in shadows and darkness. She also appreciated that they could sit in silence and thus far, Parker would usually let the silence go on until she broke it. She was a difficult person to get along with, she knew this, but he seemed to go with the flow really well.

She was also staring out the window because if she looked anywhere else, her eyes inevitably wandered over to him. He was a good looking guy, period, but there was something about him that drew her. She could stare at his hazel eyes for hours if he let her, and she kept resisting the urge to run her hand down his thick arm. She wasn't a guy-crazy kinda girl, so she didn't know where all these feelings were coming from – she just felt so comfortable with him. Almost like she'd known him for a long time.

“So where did you get this piece of shit from?” she asked, deciding she needed to distract herself. He snorted.