Page 105 of Cruise Control

“What’s up?” he asked. She licked her lips. She hadn’t really thought about what she was going to say once she stopped him.

“I, um ... I just ... what are you doing this weekend?” she asked, glancing around the entryway nervously. It was empty.

“This weekend? Nothing,” he answered. She dug deep for some balls.

“Wanna go out with me?” she asked. He nodded.

“Sure. What do you have in mind? I know a couple buddies are going to a ball game, we could tag along,” he replied and she shook her head.

“No. Like a date. Would you go on a date with me,” she said quickly before she could chicken out. He burst out laughing.

“Are you shitting me!?”

She glared at him.

“Don’t laugh at me! Isn’t this what you used to always want me to do?” she snapped. He laughed harder.

“This is too good,” he tried to catch his breath.

Well, that didn’t go as planned.

Paige kicked him in the shin and he bent over in pain.

“Hey! I'm trying to be all open and honest and ‘share my feelings’ and tell you how much I still care about you, and you are being a totalfuckwad!” she shouted, her voice echoing around them. Parker finally managed to stand upright.

“Oh my god. You haven’t actually changed at all,” he snickered, wiping tears out of his eyes.

“Yeah? Well, unfortunately, neither of have you,” she snapped, shoving past him. Before she could reach the elevator, she felt his arms wrap around her waist.

“So where you gonna take me on this date?” he asked. She tried to pull out of his hold, and he just picked her up.

“Oh no, that offer has been rescinded. You can go fuck yourself,” she replied as he walked them into the elevator.

“You can’t take it back. No take backsies. I want lobster. I got you lobster once, you owe me,” he said, leaning forward so she could reach the buttons. She pressed the button for her floor.

“Bullshit, I don’t owe you shit,” she snorted and he laughed again.

“You’re so sexy when you’re feisty,” he laughed, his face pressing against her neck. She struggled against him, trying to crane her head around look at him.

“You should see me when I’m angry.”

“I've seen you angry.”

“Not a pretty picture.”

“Downright ugly.”

“Parker, set me down.”

He set her down. She turned around to face him and glared up at him. He smirked down at her. She rolled her eyes.

“You know, you’re not as cute as you think you are,” she told him.

“The hell I’m not. You can’t fuckin’ resist me,” he replied with a wide smile. She guffawed.

“God, you have a high opinion of yourself,” she said, leaning back against the wall.

“Paige?” he asked, laughing.