Page 104 of Cruise Control


“... graceful as an elephant ...”

“This is a test,” Paigesaid out loud, pacing the length of her tiny apartment after she'd closed the door. Her cat sat on the back of the sofa, cleaning itself and warily watching her.

“This is a test from God or something. Did I fail? What should I have done?” she asked, looking down at the cat. “I mean, it’s been eight months! I couldn’t just throw myself at him! Could I!?” she asked, throwing her hands up. Her cat mewed.

“You’re no help! Tell me what I should do!” she yelled. The cat hissed at her.

She froze and stared down at the cat. She stared back at her. She tried to clear her mind.

Did she still have feelings for Parker?Yes.Did she want Parker to have feelings for her?Yes.Did she think Parker had feelings for her?I don’t know.Did she care that eight months had passed?No.Did she have the balls to tell him how she felt?Umm ...

But then an image floated across her vision. The house in Galveston. The pool. Her and Parker’s pool. But there was some busty blonde lounging in their pool. Parker was next to her. He had his arm around her, and he was kissing her.

“Well, fuck that,” Paige said out loud, and then ran for the door.

The elevator was closed, and the light was pointing down. Parker. If she waited for it to come back up, he would be gone. She knew she could call him, but she got the feeling if she didn’t stop him now, something would have happened, something irreversible. She slammed through the emergency exit and began pounding down the stairs. Luckily, she was only on the eighth floor.


She was gasping for breath when she got to the first floor. She saw that the ground floor door was standing wide open. She had one flight of stairs left, but she heard the distinct ping of the elevator. It meant the doors had just slid shut

“Parker!” she yelled, holding onto the railing as she rounded a corner. “Wait!” She hoped her voice would carry out to him.

When she emerged into the lobby, she was glad to see him stopped in front of the exit. But she didn’t stop – her thick socks slid on the tiled floor and she skidded into the wall across from the staircase. She pinwheeled her arms for a second and then went down.

“Shit!” Parker’s voice laughed and she could hear him hurrying towards her. She slowly sat up.

“God, I’m graceful as an elephant,” she groaned, rubbing her sore elbow.

“That’s kind of an insult to elephants,” he snickered, pulling her to her feet.

“I’m gonna feel that for a while,” she grumbled, rubbing her hip. She'd gone down pretty hard.

“Where’s the fire?” he asked. She suddenly remembered her purpose.

“I, uh, I just needed to tell you something else,” she said, fidgeting with her hands.