I make my way through the crowd and take the other mic. “Challenge accepted.”

Some people call out my name while others root for Ashlyn. She turns to me and lifts a perfectly-manicured brow. “Ready?”

“Bring it on.”

Music plays, and I don’t know the song. I really didn’t think this through. Oh well, I’m already here. My opponent starts dancing, so I bust out some moves as well. If I’m not going to be able to sing along, I’m going to at least impress everyone with my dancing.

If only my body would cooperate. I managed to pull myself together after injuring myself near the stairs, but now my arm isn’t doing what I want.

“Sure you want to do this?” Ashlyn teases.

“I’m just trying to give you a head start.”

“Right.” Then she belts out some lyrics.

I stumble into a table. Hard. It’s going to leave a mark. But I keep dancing. Someone hands me a song sheet. It has words on it. The letters look jumbled together but I manage to find where to jump in. I crash into a lamp and knock it over. At least it doesn’t break. The crowd roars with laughter but it doesn’t bother me. I find where we are again and sing out the lyrics. My words slur together though I do manage to stay in tune, even as I knock a few more things over.

Finally, the music stops. Not surprisingly, Ashlyn is declared the winner. I congratulate her and pick up the stuff I crashed into.

I’m about to place the mic back on its stand when Earwyn takes the other one from Ashlyn. She stares me down. “I challenge you, first-year.”

“Shouldn’t you pick the winner?”

She shakes her head slowly. “My house, my rules.”

“Nice.” I straighten my back. “But I choose the song.”

Earwyn smirks and gestures toward the songbook. “Have at it.”

“Great.” I flip through it and stop at one I’ve sung with the band several times. “This one.”

She takes a quick glance. “Fine by me.”

At least I stand a chance this time. If I can manage to keep from breaking anything.

Earwyn nods to someone, then a moment later the first notes play. Immediately, I relax. I’m familiar with this song. I’ve got this. A warmth spreads through me as I ready myself for the first line. I’m going to nail it.


Everyone covers their ears as my mic wails.

Earwyn somehow manages to laugh while still singing.

I won’t be put off that easily. Determined, I grab the mic and pick up where the song is. Earwyn and I sing in sync, both perfectly blending with the song. People call out both our names.

She narrows her eyes and sings louder. I do the same, determined to show her. Maybe I’ll even get her off my back if I can do this right. She sings louder again, and so do I. We repeat the process until we’re both basically yelling and singing at the same time. Something that should be impossible, but somehow isn’t. The audience is also cheering louder.

Another warmth spreads through me, massaging my insides. I find myself singing softer, and Earwyn follows suit. She’s actually following my lead! As we grow quieter, so do the cheers. I stop dancing and close my eyes, focused on nothing other than the words.

After a few moments, I realize the only sound in the room is my voice along with the instrumentals. Not even Earwyn is singing with me.

Gasps sound around the room.

I open my eyes. All the guys are unconscious and the mermaids are swimming around them or just staring in shock.

Earwyn glowers at me. “What have you done?”

“Me? You’re blaming me?”