Her nostrils flare and her face reddens. “Who else? You’re the one who knocked out a bar full of mermen!”

I open my mouth but don’t say anything. She has a point. But I didn’t do any of it on purpose. I glare at her. “You’re the one who insisted I sing with you! The only person you have to blame is yourself!”

“Get out!” She raises a fist at me.

“I didn’t do this on purpose!”

“Like I care! Just go!” She points toward the front door.

“I didn’t want this to happen.”


Without another word, I replace the mic on its stand and head out, apologizing to everyone along the way. Nobody seems to care, and none of the guys are even stirring.

I hope I didn’t kill anyone. My stomach knots. What if I did? I don’t know anything about any of these siren-like powers. The creatures are just as shrouded in mystery as the pink-haired queen herself.

And nobody wants an out-of-control siren freak like me.

Not like I asked for any of this.

Once outside, I close the door behind me and take a deep breath. Bash’s bike catches my attention. He’s still inside and I’m out here, not allowed back inside.

I didn’t want anything handed to me. None of it. I’d been happily living my life, eager to head off to college soon when my dad—I mean my not-dad—moved me away to Valora.

Would I still have started to become the second Queen Sirena if I’d stayed on land? Not likely, considering all this began after I used her trident.

I should’ve fought harder. Done more to avoid coming back here.

Not that I could’ve foreseen any of this. But there’s no point dwelling on the past. I’m definitely not going back in time, nor am I returning to land. Mom’s back here and in love with Tiberias, who actually fathered me.

I make my way over to Bash’s bike and lean against it. After a few minutes, I slink to the ground and rest my forehead on my tail, where my knees used to be. Where they would be if I were to go back to land. Not that I ever will. I’m stuck here for life.

My mind wanders, mulling over every possible outcome until I start to doze off. A slamming door startles me and I sit up. It was the front door.

Bash. His arms are crossed and his mouth curved down. And his expression doesn’t change when he sees me.

Regret washes through me as he holds my gaze from afar. The powder must be wearing off because I actually care. I’m tempted to flee, but that would only make things worse.

Neither of us moves. Is he waiting for me to come to him? Or does he want me to move so he can leave on his bike without me?

I should get up and let him go. No sense in further angering him. I do just that. Not sure how I’ll get back to the academy, but I’m sure I can figure something out. I’ve managed to survive everything else thrown at me.

Bash makes his way over, which means I was right. He wants to leave without me. Not that I can blame him.

Only he doesn’t go to his motorcycle. He stops in front of me and clenches his jaw. Moves his mouth around like he’s debating what to say.

I should probably say something, but I don’t. I’ll just make things worse, the way things are going. Maybe I should apologize for the way I treated him.

“Bash, I’m sorry.”

His brows furrow. “For what? Knocking out half the guests in there? Or for—”

“For the way I treated you. I was just—well, I wasn’t thinking straight. It had nothing to do with you. I’m trying to process everything, and I’m not doing a very good job of it.”

He shakes his head. “No, you’re not. And I’m still furious. I don’t want to say something I’ll later regret, so I’m going to take you back to the academy. We’ll talk later. I need to cool off.”

“I understand. Don’t worry about driving me back. I’ll figure something out.”