“There’s nothing I can do? Nothing?”

Not unless you find someone to undo the spell your father cast connecting you to the queen.

I skid to a stop. “Is that possible?”


“Maybe? Is it or not?”

How would I know? She came into all of this naturally. You didn’t.

“Who would I talk to?”

Ask the merman who did this to you.

“Do you know anything that will help me?”

The main thing I can do for you is to help you through the trials. If they’re based on Sirena’s, then all the better. I’ve been through those before.

“What will happen to me if I refuse to do any of this?”

The stomach pain will eventually kill you, I imagine.

“You imagine?”

I wouldn’t know, now would I? She followed her destiny.

“Is that a jab?”

No. Just pointing out the obvious.

I leap away from my dad and press the trident on the ground. “I’m done.”

“Your stomach?”

“Never better.”

“What did you find out?”

It warms in my hand. “I don’t suppose you’re willing to undo this Queen Sirena spell you’ve cast on me?”

“Undo it?” His eyes nearly pop out of his head. “When we could have a Queen Sirena of our day? When you could be her? Why wouldn’t you want to be the most powerful queen of our time—to rule over not just Valora but all water?”

I replace my weapon in the cabinet and turn to face him. “It looks like I have to kill you.” I race out of the room.

He chases after me. “But that’s what I want. It’s what’s necessary.”

I narrow my eyes. “What if it goes wrong? If we can’t bring you back? You’d break not only Mom’s heart, but mine and the rest of Valora’s. Drake had no intention to keep you alive. What if this backfires? I can’t lose another dad so soon!”

“I understand.” He frowns.

“Does that mean you’re willing to reverse the spell?”

“Never. I just mean that I sympathize with how you feel.”

I clench my fists, making them glow. “You’d be willing to risk losing the life ahead of you with Mom?”

“It’ll work.” He straightens his back.