My fists glow even brighter. “And if it doesn’t, you won’t be here to deal with the fallout. It’ll be Mom and me.”

“I have faith in you.”

“It’s not me I’m worried about! How can you be so sure your servants will be able to bring you back to life?”

“The fact that I’m here today gives me full confidence.”

I rub my temples. “I can’t deal with this right now.”

He nods. “We can talk tomorrow during magic class.”

Whose great idea was it to have him as my teacher? But maybe that’ll give me enough time to find a way out of the spell. “Okay. See you then.”

We part ways, and before I even reach the band practice room, the bell rings for dinner. Already?

The band exits the room, and Bash’s eyes light up when he sees me. We throw our arms around each other, and I kiss him deeply.

He grins. “I could get used to a greeting like this every day.”

I snuggle against him. “Me too. I wish all I had to worry about was school and you.”

“Did something happen today?” He runs his hands through my hair.

“I’ll tell you on the way to the dining hall.” By the time we reach the hall, he’s caught up on the disaster that is my life.

“Do you think the spell can actually be lifted?” He holds out a chair for me.

I sit and wave at my other friends down the table before turning back to him. “The trident seems to think so.” I realize how crazy that sounds and lower my voice. “I don’t know how likely it is. How am I going to find the spell my dad used to create this mess?”

Bash plays with my hair. “I wouldn’t call all of it a mess.”

I sigh. “Have you heard a single thing I’ve said about the trials? The dad curse? And let’s not forget about the stomach pain from trying to avoid all this.”

“I couldn’t forget.” He grimaces. “You’ll be okay to eat dinner?”

“Yeah.” I take a bite of pasta to prove the point. “I was practicing with the trident, so that should keep it at bay.”

“Let’s find someone who can tell us more about that spell.”

“I’m not sure when I’m supposed to find the time. I’m already falling behind in my studies.”

“Would this weekend be too late?” he asks.

We continue discussing plans until the meal ends. As we’re leaving, people I don’t even know stop to say they’re glad I’m doing better. Not one person gives the stink eye—not even Earwyn and her dogfish. Not to say they smile or anything, but they don’t give me any problems.

Bash and I head for the library, then study until I can’t keep my eyes open. With any luck, I’ll make it the rest of the week without any stomach pain so we can find someone to help with the spell.