Chapter 13

“Are you listening to me, Marra?”

I glance up at my father. “Sorry, what did you say?”

He sits in the seat next to me and rests a hand on mine. “What’s on your mind?”

Like I want to tell him.

“Is it the trials?”

“Kind of.”

He frowns. “I was too eager and didn’t tell you at a good time.”

“It’s not that.” I shake my head. “I just … it’s a lot to take in.”

“I understand.” He squeezes my hand. “But you’re going to come out victorious! Not only that, but you’ll come into your full powers.”

“Why is that so important?”

He lifts a brow. “Aside from the fact that they could kill you if you don’t?”

“We don’t know that for sure.”

“It’s in two books. Just being in one would be enough to convince me. Two of them more than confirms it.”

“I haven’t read about it in any books I’ve seen.”

“How much reading have you done?”

And here it comes—the moment of truth. Do I tell him that I know? What if he actually doesn’t know?

He rubs his chin, and his eyes are full of concern. “You don’t want to tell me?”

My stomach knots. What if he doesn’t have a clue? I can’t tell him that his beloved legend requires me to kill him. I take the coward’s way out. “Not much. It’s hard to find books on her.”

“That it is. Where did you manage to find them?”

My heart nearly explodes out of my chest. My hands shake, and I quickly hide them. “There were some at the secret library in town.”

He looks deep in thought. “Must be new additions. I haven’t looked there in some time.”

I just nod, unable to trust my voice. If my heart thunders any louder, he’s going to hear it and know how nervous I am—if he can’t see it in my eyes already.

“I never meant to make you nervous about the trials.” He gets up and rubs my shoulders. “I wasn’t thinking about your feelings, and for that I apologize. Why don’t you come to the castle this evening for dinner, and we can go over the books? I’ll show you what I’ve read about the event. It’ll ease your worries.”

“I’d like that, but I should eat here. The other students won’t be happy if I miss. They’ll think I’m getting special treatment.”

“You are heir to the throne. Not only that, but you have Queen Sirena’s powers.” He stops rubbing my shoulders and sits again.

“That’s the problem. People either resent me for being the princess or think it’s a joke that the ancient legend is coming to life again.”

He frowns. “I’m beginning to think my edict is being ignored.”

“Please, no more edicts. I don’t want anyone being nice to me because you made it a law.”

“I understand. And I’m still working through the mess of undoing my brother’s ridiculous edicts.” He shakes his head. “Would you believe the beard tax is one of the hardest to get rid of?”