
“He tangled it in with some other laws …” His voice trails off. “Never mind. We need to work on the Ayers power. Come midterm, we need to prove significant progress or you’ll have to return to magic class.”

“What?” I give him a double-take. “That’s not happening.”

“Let’s work on a simple healing.” He whips out a knife and slices his palm.

I gasp. “What are you doing?”

“Heal me.” He holds the bloody wound toward me.

My pulse drums in my ears. “I don’t know how.”

“Heal me,” he repeats.

He has got to be kidding. That thing is really bleeding, and he’s waiting on me?

“You wouldn’t let your father bleed out, would you?” He grins like this is some kind of joke.

“I grew up on land!”

“Time to stop using that excuse, love.”

My heart feels like it’s going to explode. It’s hard to think. But I have to. There’s no other choice but to figure this out. “There’s no textbook I can study?”

He shakes his head. “So few of us have it, it would be pointless.”

That’s just perfect.

I study his wound, which is now gushing out more blood than before. The water between us is becoming pink. Soon that’s what I’ll be breathing, but that’s the least of my worries. If he loses enough blood …

I squeeze my fists, trying to draw the power there. When I’m mad, that’s the first place it goes.

Nothing happens now.

I look up at him. His face is paling. “Heal yourself! I can’t do this!”

He shakes his head. “I have faith in you.”

“You shouldn’t!”

My father holds his palm closer to me. The water is turning a darker pink. His skin is continuing to lose color.

A lump forms in my throat. I struggle to breathe. “You’re crazy, you know that?”

“High emotions activate the power.” His voice wobbles a little. “This is what you need.”

“What about what you need? Like not dying!”

“You can do this.” He leans on the desk.

I shake my head no. “Please, stop.”

“Do this.” His tone tells me he won’t intervene.

My heart pounds so loudly I can’t hear anything else. The bloody water is starting to blur my vision. I take a deep breath and focus on the wound. Try to take control of my fear. To get my arms to stop shaking.

I reach for him with both hands. Though trembling, they glow a faint green.