Chapter 19

Ipress myself against the wall as close to the doorjamb as possible. Bash hasn’t said a word in almost a full minute. His mom or dad must be going on a tirade. About me? Are they upset that he danced with me? What if they’re involved in the plot against my dad?

My stomach knots. No, that’s ridiculous. They’re probably just Tiberias supporters. Annoyed by my family being in charge now. Just like everyone else.

“Look,” Bash finally continues. “Not that it’s any of your concern, but one of the faculty made me show her around. It was a punishment. I’m still paying for my latest banishment.”

I slink down to sitting. Nothing like having that pointed out again. He was forced to spend time with me. That’s how horrible I am.

Leaving Valora is looking better by the moment. But I can’t leave my parents, not even if their fears are imagined. Plus, Halen really wants me to stay. Not to mention the fact that I don’t know how to get to the surface. I couldn’t even find the library without a map.

I’m stuck here, enamored with a guy who can’t stand me and wary of a potential plot against my entire family while my father could be seeing someone behind my mom’s back.

What happened to being worried about track, college, and pool parties? If only I could go back in time and stay there. Make it so that none of this ever happened. Well, my parents could live without me. Maybe that would be enough to keep them together.

That’s a good idea! If I fled back to land, to our empty and paid-for home, my parents might band together and work things out. I would not only be doing myself a favor but them too. I’d have to find a way to make it up to Halen, but surely she’d understand.

“How long have you been there?”

My stomach lurches. I glance up to see Bash staring at me, his face red and his eyes narrowed.

Crap. I’ve been caught eavesdropping.

“It’s not what you think.” I jump up. “I swear.”

His nostrils flare. “Really? You weren’t just listening to my conversation?”

“Um, well, maybe it’s kind of like it looks.” My mind races, trying to think of something brilliant to say. Something that will wipe that furious look off his face. The tingling in my brain is making it difficult.

“Why?” His brows draw together.

“I didn’t mean to.”

“You didn’t mean to sit down and listen?”

“I was heading for the library and—”

“The library? It’s halfway across the school!”

I glare at him. “If you’re going to interrupt me, I have nothing to say to you.”

“How much did you overhear?”

“It doesn't matter.”

“Yes, it does! What did you hear?”

“Hardly anything, but like I said, it doesn't matter because I’m going back to the surface. And I’m staying there!”

His face pales. “Wait, what? Why?”

“Does it matter?”

“That’s why I just asked.” He moved forward. “Why are you going to the surface?”

“Because that’s where my life is. It’s not here. Not where everyone hates me.” I glare at him, daring him to deny it. Hoping he will. Hating myself for caring.

“People love you now that you’ve put Earwyn in her place.”