“And how long will that last? I’m still daughter of the king nobody wants in power.”

He frowns.

“See? You can’t deny it.”

“People will adjust. There’s always a calming down period after a new leader takes power.” His hands fall to his side. “What’s your life like on land?”

“What do you care?”

He looks away, his eyes seeming to storm with conflict.

“What?” I inch closer.

Bash glances back at me. “I’m just curious. I’ve never been there, and as you know, I’ll never get to go.”

“Most in Valora won’t ever leave. That doesn’t make you special.”

He arches a brow. “Does it make you special?”

“I don’t want to leave because I think I’m better than everyone, if that’s what you’re insinuating.”

“Just asking a question.”

I hold his gaze while trying to decide how to answer—or if I’m going to reply at all. He isn’t being forthcoming about anything, so why should I?

“Is life better on land?”

“I don’t know about better. It’s different, but kind of the same. I have a best friend named Ivy up there and there’s this guy Roman …” I let my voice trail off, waiting for his reaction.

His expression tenses, but it’s barely noticeable. Could just be my imagination. Maybe I just want to see him show some kind of emotion.

“What about him?” Bash crosses his arms, but his expression makes me think he doesn’t care.

“I was supposed to meet him at a pool party. Clearly, that didn’t happen.”

“So, it wasn’t serious?”

“Do you care?”

“Just asking.” He shrugs.

Bash has got to be the most frustrating person alive.

“What are you going to do if you go back?”

“If? I already told you I’m going.” I can’t think straight around him at all. All the more reason to go to the library. Halen probably already thinks I’ve stood her up again. “It doesn't matter. I need to get to the library.”

“Why do you have to study if you’re leaving anyway?”

“What’s it to you?”

“Doesn’t make much sense, does it?”

“I still have classes on the surface! Falling out of the habit of studying wouldn’t do me any good, now would it?”

“Fine, go. Everyone always does.” He spins around and storms away.

My mouth drops open and I stare in disbelief. What is his deal? And what did he mean by everyone always leaves?