“What was that?”
“You’ll retain everything you study perfectly for the next few days. Now, sit.”
I plop on my bed, massaging my temples. “Will the tingling stop?”
“Eventually.” She sits and tucks her tail neatly underneath her. “If I tell you something, I need your word that you won’t tell anyone.”
“I’m serious.”
“So am I. You have my word.” I pretend to zip my lips.
“This is serious.”
I nod for her to continue. My brain is tingling even more now.
She scoots closer. “I think your father is seeing someone.”
“What?” I exclaim.
“I know it sounds crazy, but he’s been acting really strange. He’s hiding something.”
“Did he tell you about the threat on his life?”
Mom nods. “But this goes beyond that.”
“What makes you think he’s seeing someone?”
“Secret shell phone calls. Won’t come to bed with me. Won't—”
“TMI, Mom! TMI.” I shake my head.
“My point is, he’s acting like he has something to hide.”
“Maybe it’s royal business.”
“He shouldn’t hide things from me. I’m the queen. His wife of twenty-two years. We always tell each other everything.”
“I’ve heard it said that a little mystery is good in a relationship.”
“Not like this. I know your father more than I know anyone else. He’s seeing someone.”
I take a deep breath. “Mom, we just arrived in Valora. Everything is crazy. Let life settle into a routine, and I’m sure you’ll see it’s not as bad as you think. I think we all have to adjust to being so far under sea level. We’re used to fresh air, which is miles above now.”
“It’s not that.”
“Maybe it’s the saltwater.”
Her expression tenses. “If you aren’t going to take me seriously, I’ll leave.”
“Mom, I’m here for you. I swear. I just think maybe you should have more proof before making such a serious accusation.”
“I’m not accusing him.”
“He’s been here twice to see me. Maybe that’s the mixed signal you’re picking up on. I’ve had trouble with some mean girls.”
“See, I think that’s a cover. Can you keep an eye out for me? Next time he visits, see where else he goes. Find out who exactly he visits with while here.”