Great. Now I’m spying for both my parents. When am I going to have any time for my studies?

“Will you, Marra? It’d mean the world to me.”

“Sure, Mom. I’ll even listen for anything people are talking about that could be related.”

She wraps her arms around me. “You’re the best. I knew I could count on you. Just don’t tell your dad I was here.”

“Why not? You can’t visit your daughter?”

“He said he wants me to give you space. Doesn’t want me here at the academy.”

“That’s crazy.”

“My point exactly.” She kisses my cheek then rises. “I’ll be in touch soon.”

“Okay, but I’m sure I won’t find anything.”

“You’re a lot more likely to find something than I am. I’m sure of it.” With that, she leaves.

I stare at the closed door for a moment before stuffing my books into a bag. My head is still tingly, and I hope her enchantment works because there’s no way I’m going to be able to focus on my studies otherwise. Not with the bombs my parents have both dropped on me within a matter of hours of each other.

Loud music plays from down the hall and laughter sounds nearby. Everyone else must be done with their studying. Lucky me, I haven’t even begun.

As I make my way to the stairs, several students wave and call out hello. At least I’m not hated anymore, at least by most people. The three stooges obviously still have it out for me, as does Middlebrooks, but everyone else seems to like me now. At least staying in Valora will be manageable. But my invisible life on land feels more inviting now than before. My ‘problems’ were so miniscule. I wish I’d appreciated everything more.

Downstairs, I have to check a map for the library. I remember passing it a few times, but have no idea how to get there from here.

I think I’m about halfway there, when I hear Bash speaking down a dark hallway. If I was smart, I’d ignore him. Keep going. Get to the library like I promised Halen. Study like I need to.

But I don’t. I creep down the dim hallway, holding my breath and staying close to the wall.

Bash’s voice grows louder. I can’t tell who he’s speaking with—it sounds one-sided. Maybe he’s on a shell phone.

I come to a classroom. He’s pacing inside, his back to me. I move away from the doorway and press myself against the wall.

Really, I should leave. Respect his privacy. Study for the upcoming test. But my parents did request that I listen to people and find out if anyone knows anything—either about a possible threat on my dad’s life or a possible affair. Maybe Bash knows about those.

Right. Like I’m dumb enough to believe that. I’m just a love-struck princess stalking the local bad boy. And I don’t care. Maybe I’ll find out what’s really going on with him. Why did he run off after kissing me? Is Neva his girlfriend or a sister-like bestie? That’s why I’m here.

“Would you get off my back?” Bash exclaims.

Oh, maybe he’s arguing with Neva. This could be my lucky day. I lean closer to the doorway.

I’m a horrible person.

“I’ve gotten my grades up and I haven’t been in trouble for anything since I got back. Doesn’t that mean anything?”

My heart sinks. Definitely not arguing with Neva. Why would she care about any of that?

“No, I’m not trying to make a mockery of you. What kind of question is that?”

He has to be talking with one of his parents. I recognize that tone. I’ve used it a million times myself.

“My personal life is none of your business. I’m passing my classes and staying out of trouble. That’s all you need to worry about.” He pauses. Sounds like he’s tapping something. “I realize you’re paying for my education. That’s why I told you I’m working on my grades.” Another pause. “Yes, I’m happy with passing marks! I don’t need to be on the honor list to be in a band.”

I really should give the guy his privacy. No reason for me to listen to him talking about his classes or career aspirations. I spin around and head down the hallway.

“So what if I danced with Marra? Who cares?”

I freeze in place. Now it sounds interesting.