Chapter 14

Ipull out the fiftieth item from my closet. What am I supposed to wear for the dance? Something formal? Cute? Casual? I have no idea, and I can’t think straight. Not after my run-in with Bash. I can’t stop over-analyzing everything he said. He’ll see me at the dance. He didn’t want me to get in trouble.

Could he care? Like me, even?

No! He’s obviously seeing that one girl. The chick who can sing so well their voices blend together like a choir of angels. I’m just a punishment.

Or am I? Nobody’s forcing him to help me get back at Earwig and her followers. But he can’t stand them, so this is probably just an excuse to get them back for something. It sounds like they’ve slighted everyone in the school. Given everyone a reason to lock them in a janitor’s closet.

Click, click. Creak.

The door opens a crack and Halen peeks in. “Are you dressed?”

“It’s safe.”

“Bash is here.”

My stomach flip-flops. I shove all the clothes into my closet and slam the door shut. “It’s fine.”

It’s anything but fine.

Halen comes in followed by her friends and Bash along with his band.

Bash is in my room. My room.

I glare at Halen, but she doesn’t see me. She just flops onto her bed. “I can’t believe it!”

“What happened?” I demand. “Did you get them locked in there?”

Bash turns to me and gives me a high-five. “We pulled it off!”

Everyone in the room high-fives each other or exchanges fist bumps.

If I had legs, they’d give out. As it is, the water keeps me up. “They’re actually in the closet?”

Bash laughs. “And hollering like crazy. By the time they get out, they might be willing to offer you an apology.”

I frown. “Unless they end up wanting to initiate me again.”

“They’d be stupid to. Earwyn’s losing her power over this school.” He holds my gaze. “Thanks to you.”

My heart flutters. “I didn’t do anything.”

“You showed up. You’ve done everything.”

My face flames. I turn around to Halen. “We should probably get ready for the dance. Don’t you think?”

She hops up from her bed. “Marra’s right. Out with you all! We’ll see you there!”

Everyone makes their way out, and Bash holds my gaze until Halen closes the door between us.

I collapse onto my bed. What was that? Why was he looking at me like that?

Halen plunks down next to me. “I really can’t believe we pulled that off! You did great.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“You got them there.”