Cove’s mouth drops open. “We weren’t trying to kill you!”

“Don’t say that so loud!” Vanya shoves her. “Do you want Mrs. Middlebrooks to hear you?”

Earwig glares at them. “Both of you shut it!” She turns to me. “Why didn’t you tell her?”

I hold her gaze for a moment before answering. “Who says I won’t?”

Her nostrils flare.

“As long as you don’t give me reason to.” I flip my hair. “Are you going to?”

Earwig’s face reddens.

I shrug again and hurry toward the closet. “I’m happy to let bygones be bygones. What do you think?”

“Why are you going to her office?” Earwig catches up with me.

“Who?” I give her my most innocent expression.

“Mrs. Middlebrooks!”

“Oh, I’m not going to her office. I told you, bygones and all that.”

“What’s your deal?” Vanya glares at me.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Yes, you do!”

“You worry too much. I haven’t told her it was you guys. You’re the ones making a big deal about it. I thought it was kind of funny, actually.”

Earwig’s expression tightens. “Funny?”

“Wasn’t it meant to be? I mean, if you were trying to be mean—to actually hurt me—that would just be cruel. Something the faculty should know about, right?”

They all exchange glances. Halen pokes out around a corner and gives me thumbs-up.

It’s time for me to make my exit.

A hair clip on the floor catches my attention. I pick it up and turn to Earwig. “Here’s what I came for. I’ll see you around.”

“You can’t just leave!” Cove scowls at me. “Are you going to turn us in?”

“I already told you I’m not. You were just playing around. No harm in that.” I smile sweetly and race away before they can drag me into more of a conversation.

Once the hallway curves, I stop and peek around. A hand rests on my shoulder.

I spin to see Bash.

He flicks his head, moving hair from his beautiful eyes. “Go to your room and get ready for the dance. It’s best you don’t see this.”

“What? Why?”

“In case they try to blame you. If you don’t know anything, they can’t get you in trouble.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just go. I don’t want you to get into more trouble than you’re already in.” His eyes are kind, like he means it. Or maybe I just want him to care.

No! I don’t. I’m going back to the land and living my life there. This is all just a bad vacation.

He rests his hand on my arm. My skin warms at his touch. My breathing hitches.

“Hurry. I’ll see you at the dance.”

I nod, unable to speak, then I race down the hallway.