“That doesn’t tell me anything.”

“Sorry.” She puts her hand on my shoulder. “The staff uses that to get our attention when they have announcements or whatever.”

Now that everyone else seems to have forgotten about me, I rub my ears. “Is it really necessary?”

“They want to make sure nobody sneaks out before they take care of business.”

I start to ask if it was as offensive to her ears when she first got here, but Mrs. Middlebrooks moves to the middle of the platform. “Attention, everyone!”

I’m pretty sure she has it. How could she not after that noise?

Chatter around the room dies down.

Mrs. Middlebrooks smiles as she looks around the dining hall. She’s actually quite pretty—it was just hard to tell before when she was scowling at me. “I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors about our new student.”

Oh, no. I look for a place to hide. There’s nothing.

Halen gives me a reassuring glance.

It doesn’t help.

Mrs. Middlebrooks turns my direction. “I’d like to introduce you to Marra Ayers.”

Everyone else, students and staff alike, turns my way. Literally everybody is looking at me. I try to will myself back to high school. Doesn’t work. Maybe if I do something everyone will turn back to the platform. I wave. And feel like a total idiot.

It’s so quiet you could hear a pin drop. If you could hear one drop in the ocean.

Halen nudges me. “Get up!”

Even better. I rise and force a smile.

Silence. Just stares.

My heart races. Should I say something? Or just keep standing here like a fool? Well, not standing. Floating. When will I get used to this place?

Luckily, Mrs. Middlebrooks speaks. “I hope you’ll make her feel welcome. I’m sure it’s a big adjustment moving from land to Valora. If you have questions about life outside the water, ask. I’m sure she’ll be happy to answer them. Right, Marra?”

“Of course.” And how thoughtful of her to offer for me. The woman clearly hates me but is trying to put on a show for the rest of the faculty.

“And if you need anything, feel free to ask anyone.” She gives me a syrupy-sweet smile.

I give her an even sweeter one. “Thank you.”

“You may sit.”

I do, but I don’t feel any better. So many people are still staring at me. I wish I’d have thought of something brilliant to say, instead I just made myself look stupid in front of the entire academy.

Mrs. Middlebrooks starts talking about some dance, but I can’t pay attention. My mind is racing with things I should’ve said, not that it matters now.

Halen leans closer. “Don’t feel bad. She likes to embarrass all the new students. But it’s usually all together on the first day.”

“I’m just lucky.”

“You’ll be fine.”

Mrs. Middlebrooks continues on, talking about some banquet now. I try to pay attention because I’m probably going to need to know all of this stuff. She moves down, and I ready myself to flee, but an old guy with white hair takes her place and discusses the synchronized swimming team. Then another gets up and discusses a magic club.

The only good news is that everyone seems to have forgotten about me. With any luck, that’ll continue. I just want to race to my plain bed and stay there until I’m forced to go to class in the morning.