A young blonde teacher is the last one to give announcements, then she excuses everybody.

Relief washes through me.

“Daughter of a murderer.”

I whip my head in the direction of the voice.

A girl with long black hair down the table from us narrows her eyes at me. “That’s right. I’m talking about you.”

“Did you just call me the daughter of a murderer?”

She straightens her neck. “You heard me.”

Giggles and whispers sound around our table.


“Ugly princess.”


I leap from my seat. “What have I done to any of you?”

Halen jumps up. “Would you give her a chance? Don’t you remember her from when we were kids? She’s not like that!”

“What was it like living with humans?” asks the black-haired girl, her tone full of sarcasm.

People around us laugh.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I stare her down.

“That’s why I’m asking. Mrs. Middlebrooks said we could.” She smirks.

Oh, how I’d like to wipe that smirk right off her face.

“If you really want to know—”

Halen moves in front of me. “Earwyn, leave her alone!”

Earwyn? Like an earwig. Sounds fitting.

She rises and glares at Halen. “Sure you want to associate yourself with the daughter of a killer?”

“It’s better than being associated with you!”

I move around Halen and glare at Earwyn. “Stop calling my parents killers!”

She purses her lips. “Why? Everyone knows your dad killed Tiberias.”

My mouth falls open with shock before I can hide my surprise. “You know that’s a lie as much as I do! We’ve been on land for over ten years.”

Earwyn and several girls around her all giggle and exchange glances.

“What?” I demand.

“You don’t know your daddy very well, do you?”

“I know him better than you do!”