Chapter 27

Irise, and hold the trident close. Its warmth builds my confidence. I keep my back as straight as possible as I make my way over to the cabin.

Bash’s aunt stares at me with wide eyes. “Marra.”

I’ve never heard my name spoken with such disdain, not even by Earwyn or any of her followers.

I stand next to Bash. “You’re supposed to bow to royalty.”

She doesn’t budge. “You’re just a child.”

“I’m the heir to the throne. If you harm my dad, it’s my wrath you’ll face.”

The woman bursts out laughing.

I hold the trident between us. It lights up even brighter and sends out a wave in all directions. Only Coral flies backward into a wall.

She glares at me as she dusts herself off. “Am I supposed to fear a girl who just received her trident? Those take years to master.”

Without a word, I aim the points at her mouth.

She flattens against the wall and grunts. “Mere parlor tricks.”

“Do you really believe that?” I imagine her tied to the wall.

Electric cuffs appear around her wrists, neck and waist. She cries out and gasps for air. “What are you doing?”

I swim closer and jam my weapon into the wall just an inch from her head. “Where’s my dad?”

“I’ll never tell you.”

“No?” I yank it free and shove it into the wall so close to her head that the prongs dig through her hair.

“Shane!” she screams.

Bash gets in her face. “You said Uncle Shane isn’t here.”

She spits in his face. “Shane! Get out here!”

I pull out the trident and slice her across the face. “Where’s the king?”


I cut her again, then when she doesn’t answer I head inside. The interior is decorated more like a mansion than a cabin in the woods. Bright lights shine, making it feel like noon on a summer day. I listen, hoping to hear either my dad calling for help or some sign of life.

Bash appears at my side.

“Where would they put a prisoner?”

“The attic? The champagne cellar?”

“The basement seems like the more likely choice. I’ll go there, you check the attic, just in case.”

“Sure you want to split up?”

I hold up the trident. “This seems to be working pretty well for me.”

“Just be careful. My uncle can be really mean.”