We head toward the cabin, and I struggle to keep the trident behind me. Its glowing will catch the attention of anyone looking out a window, and the building has a ton of them. We use plants for cover.
When we reach the stairs, Bash gestures toward a bush. “Hide back there until I bring them out.”
“I’m coming out if it looks like you’re in danger.”
“I can handle them.”
“Hang onto this.” He shoves his phone in my hands.
I hold his gaze for a moment before squatting behind the bush. The trident is too long, and glowing, but I manage to keep it low and have the part sticking out where they won’t be able to see from the porch. The weapon warms in my grasp. Waves of strength and energy make their way through me. Confidence builds until I’m sure I can do this.
After pushing aside some leaves, I tilt my head to the side to get a view of Bash on the porch. The front door is open, but I can’t see anyone else. He’s talking, so somebody must be there.
My pulse drums in my ears, but the waves from the trident grow stronger, soothing my nerves.
I strain to hear what Bash is saying and who he’s talking to, but I can’t make anything out. Can’t even tell if he’s speaking with a merman or merwoman. Not that it matters. The only thing I need to focus on is saving my dad.
Bash’s phone buzzes. He has a text.
Unknown: This is Halen. M’s mom says he’s missing. The castle is keeping it a secret while they search, so riots don’t break out. Don’t tell anyone.
I draw in a deep breath, having to let go of the shred of hope that my dad is actually safe at the castle. Then I reply to her text.
Bash: This is Marra. We’re at the location. He’s talking to you know who.
Unknown: Good. Keep me updated.
Bash: You too.
I shove the phone into my pocket and look back over at the porch. Bash is arguing with a woman who has long chestnut hair and moves with the grace of any member of the royal class. I glance down at the trident. “You ready?”
It vibrates and warms.
My eyes widen. I hadn’t expected a reply!
It vibrates again and turns in the direction of the cabin. I peek through the leaves.
Bash gestures for me to join him.