"Hey, pup!" Lyall greets me warmly.
"Hey," my voice emerges in nothing but a croak. I close my eyes. Shit.
"What's wrong, Matt?" his voice sharpens.
"I want to transfer to Caluna."
There's a beat of silence on the phone before Lyall replies. "Mattie... are you hurt?"
"No," I rasp out, trying to hold back tears.
"We never wanted you to go off on your own," Lyall reminds me.
I curl my shoulders inward. My wolf's head hangs with his snout brushing his feet. "I know," I whisper. I feel humiliated. Cassie, my sweet sister and acknowledged omega, isn't running home with her tail between her legs. I'm pathetic, a failure.
"Can you finish the year, at least?" Lyall's voice has softened. He knows what I am. He's one of only three wolves who know. Just him, Alpha Alex, and Teague know. They kept it hidden all this time after I begged them to, even from Mina and Blu.
"Yeah, I can finish," I rasp out. I don't want to! I want to go home, or at least to Caluna.
"Do you want me to switch your roommate out with someone else?" Lyall asks gently.
I cringe. Kenneth.
"No," I mumble. "It's just a few more months."
"You're coming home for Spring Break, right?" Lyall asks.
"Yeah. Will Cass be there?"
"I think so," Lyall's voice softens even more. "You miss her?"
"Yeah," I whisper. I bite back my wolf's whimper before it can leave my mouth.
"It won't be long, Mattie. Hang in there, alright?"
Don't cry. Don't cry.
"Okay," my voice is laden with tears. Great.
"I'm getting you a new roommate," Lyall's voice sharpens.
I pause before answering. Teague took us to the beach last year for a vacation. It was the only time we've ever been to the ocean. It was amazing, despite his constant, glaring surveillance of every human on the beach who may glance at one of his mates in a swimsuit.
Then I tried to swim in the deeper water. It was stupid. Even after we were all told about the undertow and the danger of an off-shore storm creating bigger waves, I swam. I wanted to prove that I could.
I nearly drowned. Teague saved me when Cassie freaked out onshore because she could sense the danger I was in. I was only in trouble for a minute, but I'll never forget the feeling. Dark water, pulling my legs away from shore. Crashing over my head. I could see the sky, but I couldn't breathe, couldn't keep my head above water long enough.
It was utterly terrifying. My weakness feels like that moment. Crashing over me in waves. Drowning me. Caluna is that glimpse of the sky, that fleeting hope of escape.
"Please, Lyall," I finally cave. "Yeah, get me an apartment or something."
"Done," he sounds satisfied and relieved. I feel guilty. Lyall shouldn't have to worry about me. I'm a male wolf shifter, for Pete's sake. I'm supposed to be one of the most formidable creatures alive.
Exhaustion pulls at me. I stayed up late to get my classwork done then woke up early to clean. I don't have much going on today, so I curl up on my bed and let myself drift off.
I wake up to the sound of two sets of footsteps entering my room. I hear snickering and smell the stench of Kenneth's unwashed armpits and cedar-scented body spray. I'm lying with my back to the door, so I stay still, hoping that whoever Kenneth brought back to the room this time won't stay long.