"Dude, that your roomie?"
I can practically feel the hot breath of Kenneth's latest hook-up drifting over my left cheek. I suppress the shudder of revulsion, but I can't help but stiffen my muscles up. Is this guy standing right over me?
"Yeah," Kenneth's voice is flat. "He's a freak. Matthew," he sneers my name like it's something gross on the bottom of his shoe. The shoes I cleaned for him, darn it.
"He's real damn cute, though," I can hear the smirk in the other man's voice. My wolf growls lowly. It's the only warning I have before a calloused finger trails down my cheek. Still pretending to be asleep, I mumble incoherently and shift away a little. I can't believe this guy just touched me.
"His bod is as cute as his face. Look at that muscle, damn."
Oh, goddess. Go away. If this guy pulls my blanket off or touches me again, then what do I do?
Sure enough, a finger strokes my arm just under the edge of my sleeve.
I pretend to wake up. "What's up?" I ask as casually as I can manage, with my heart racing. I sit up in the bed, running my hand nervously through my hair. I want to stand, but the stranger is standing right next to me. I'm blocked in by my desk on one end and my chair on the other. The only way out is through the foot of the bed, and I'm not desperate enough to scramble towards my feet in that embarrassing maneuver. Yet.
"Hi, I'm Dylan," the stranger who touched me twice smiles at me.
"Matt. Excuse me," I try to make my intention to stand up clear. Dylan moves back only two inches. Enough space to make it look like I can stand up, but if I do, I'll brush up against him, and the raging boner tucked into his jeans inches from my face.
"So, you're a freshman, Matt?" Dylan keeps up the conversation. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and freeze when he doesn't budge.
"Yeah," I mutter.
"So, Dylan, we were gonna watch a movie?" Kenneth's voice grates along my nerves. I wince, wanting to protest against the heated glare my roommate is sending my way. It's not like I asked or wanted Dylan to invade my space.
"Yeah. Matt, you want to join us?" Dylan asks. He finally steps away, and I stand up a little too quickly, judging by Kenneth's derisive snort.
"Ah, I actually have a study group," I lie, feeling the telltale red blush creep up my neck.
Dylan reaches out and squeezes my hip. I barely refrain from flinching away. "You sure?" he asks.
I finally feel brave enough to meet his eyes and immediately feel my heart sink. He's handsome. Dark hair, nice brown eyes. Kenneth landed a winner tonight. And, worst of all, he's a wolf.
I have to get out of here, stat. "Sorry. Maybe next time?" I offer. I'm mentally kicking myself. I was so eager to avoid this guy that I didn't smell his scent under Kenneth's stench.
Dylan smiles. "That would be nice."
"Yeah, cool." I start to edge past Dylan, but he's positioned himself between the door and me. I desperately look over his shoulder at my escape route, missing the angry scoff that Kenneth emits.
"Matt, shouldn't you be going to your study group?" he snaps.
I step around Dylan, careful to avoid touching him. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the same goal and immediately leans in and smells my hair, his body brushing against me.
"You smell nice, Matt," he says into my ear. So softly that I know Kenneth didn't hear it. My wolf growls. Too soft to be heard, but I feel the vibration deep in his spirit. He doesn't trust this male.
I don't respond to Dylan's comment, heading toward the door like my ass is on fire.
"Bye, Matt," Dylan calls out after me.
I blink away the tears as I rush into the hallway. My heart is pounding, my mouth dry. I feel dizzy. All I can think about is getting away. My feet thump over the thin tile floor to the stairs. I practically fall down them in my rush to be outside in the fresh air.
The outside doors click shut and lock behind me. I stare down at my feet and pant for breath. I left all my stuff, including my student i.d. and keycard, in the room with Kenneth and Dylan.
My head spins. I can wait for another student to come along and open the doors for me. I probably won't even have to wait long. Then what? Do I go back upstairs and face Dylan and Kenneth again?
Or, I can find a place to crash tonight, then deal with it all in the morning. Kenneth never locks the doors, and he never wakes up before noon, either. Hopefully, tomorrow morning Dylan will be gone. I can sleep in paws tonight, then grab all my stuff tomorrow.