Page 87 of Carmichael's Omega

"About?" Carm asks me. Those icicle eyes swing my way. His arm wraps around me, holding me tight to his body as if I'm going to try to escape. My omega-wolf snorts. Escape is the last thing on her mind.

"Um... you have a lot of lovers?" I supply, my stomach churning.

He brushes his hand over my cheek, tucking a curl behind my ear. "I don't havelovers, good girl. I havefucks." He picks up my fingers and bites the tips of my fingers softly while I stare at him, totally confused and disturbed but unwilling to move away.

"You gonna let that sit just like that, ey?" Holt interjects finally, sounding completely exasperated.

"Que?" Carmichael asks, nuzzling my hair softly. His fingers are drifting over my bare arm, my back, as if he's reassuring himself that I'm here.

"You just called her a fuck after I did."

Carmichael drops my hand and half-turns towards his packmate. I take a step backward from the sudden, inconceivable fury darkening his face. "Cassidy is not aputa."

"He doesn't like it when we openly discuss my sexuality," I blurt out to Holt in a lame, omega-esq excuse.

All three males pause, blinking at me.


"I amsoglad to be amusing." I glare, arms crossed and toe-tapping, at the blockhead still laughing his bum off. Rique has given up on standing, preferring to just sit on the ground. The better to laugh at me. Holt is on his knees, snorting madly. Like a pig. A mean, horrible, ugly pig. Not a cute one that you can hold and cuddle.

I can't be that angry with the two males. Carmichael is grinning openly, leaning against the wall, with my body nestled against him.

This entire conversation is ridiculous. All those questions that are still spinning away in my head aren't going away any time soon. I want to launch into an interrogation and ask Carmichael... well... everything.

But he's so relaxed. They all are. I can feel the tension and hurt and anger and fear wash away with their laughter. I don't know what my mate has been doing for the last week, but I know it has left him with some pieces missing. Raw wounds are seeping his hurt straight into me. His alpha-wolf is faring better, but not by much. They are harder, meaner than they were just a week before.

"Enough of this, female," Carmichael picks me up in his arms.

Rique's laughter follows us into a bedroom with no furniture other than a mattress with bright white sheets pushed up against the wall. Carmichael slams the door behind us, not bothering to lock it, I notice. I bounce on the mattress, where he tosses me a moment later. Growling and cursing under his breath, he damns Rique to hell as he removes my clothes for me.

"Culero, I'll murder him," Carmichael scowls.

"He's grilling for us, at least," I offer breathlessly as I kick my feet so I can slide my shoes off. "He seems like he's happy."

Carmichael stops cursing, his fingers pausing. The hint of a smile makes his face soften from the haggard exhaustion that it showed just a moment ago. "You're beautiful," he murmurs.

I hear something rip just before my adorable sundress goes fluttering to the corner of the room. I gasp a little, but Carmichael ignores it.

His mouth finds mine, his kiss harder, more forceful, than anything we've shared before. Nerves skitter along my spine when his calloused hands push my thighs open, and his naked body settles between them with only my thin panties for protection.

He just moves them to the side before he's there, rocking his hips as he fights to get into my body.

"Carm!" I beg him as he sinks an inch into me. I'm not quite ready, but I need him as much as he needs me. Probably more. My need soothes the sting of pain, then the gush of liquid that makes me blush.

"Fuck,eres tan chula,Mi Alma," he growls. His fingers dig in deep, his hips slamming into me. I come with a strangled cry as he pounds relentlessly. I've never come so quickly before.

Gasping, I stare up at him in shock at his intense, fevered look. His lips curl over his canines in a predatory stare. Ice-blue eyes watch me as if I'm his favorite meal.

"Did I tell you to come?" he grates out. His hand comes up, resting on my neck, pressing just slightly. The other hand grabs my left leg and lifts it high, tilting my hips to an angle that opens me even more to his pounding.

I whimper my, "no."

"No?" he prompts. His hips slap into mine, one, two, three. He bends and sucks one breast into his mouth, nibbling, biting, sucking, leaving marks.

Oh, Goddess, help me. I have to come again. I have to. My she-wolf is panting, hussy, spread, and ready for her alpha-wolf. Think of something else, Cassidy.

"Eyes on me,Buenota," Carmichael snaps as he lifts his head. "Who is fucking you?"