"My mate," I croak. I try to hold still, but my hips don't listen. "Please, Carm. I have to," I whine.
"Who is fucking you, Cassidy?" he demands an answer.
I stare up at him, falling deeper; my body is so close again. It hurts, and it feels lovely. "Alpha," I finally gasp.
He grins ferally. His fingers leave my neck. With a sudden move that makes my breath catch, he flips me onto my hands and knees and fills me again.
He goes deeper in this position. Two hard smacks on my bum make me quiver. "I can't, Carm," I gasp. I need to come, and he's just going to have to deal. He can just make me come again later if he wants to be in charge.
"Don't you dare, little omega," he grunts. Gathering a fistful of my hair, he tugs it back, making me arch away. I pound my fists against the mattress, fighting my orgasm, trying to be a good, obedient omega.
"Please, please, Alpha?" I beg and plead as his hips slow, speed up, changing angles and the tempo to keep me on edge. He smacks my bum again. "I can't stop it, Carm. Please?"
He flips me onto my back again. "Tell me you love me," he snarls.
"I love you," I say obediently.
"Alpha," he snarls.
"I love you, Alpha. My alpha."
With a roar, he plunges so deep that if he didn't have a good grip on me, I would have gone head-first into the wall.
“Come for me," he growls.
I break apart, writhing and screaming. Black spots dance in front of my eyes. Carmichael jerks into me, flooding me. He's saying something, but I can't hear over the blood rushing into my ears.
I open my eyes to Rique's rakish grin and the smell of burgers. The sun is shining brightly over the flat desert landscape. I blink, taking in the scarred picnic table that holds a stack of burgers and an array of beer cans and bottles.
I blush when I realize that I'm cradled on Carmichael's lap, wearing his t-shirt and nothing else. I suppose my panties didn't make it, even if I can't remember losing them.
A pair of bright green eyes meet mine. "Uncle Dev?" I say weakly.
"Cassie," Teague's brother responds.
Where is a hole in the ground when you need one?
“Where is Mattie?” Uncle Devel asks Carmichael.
Misery strikes me hard. I slept with Carmichael as soon as I saw him again. I forgot all about Matt.
“I am getting my male soon,Jefe,” Carmichael responds to Uncle Devel. I can feel him withdraw from me like he’s already thinking about Matt more than me.
Oh, goddess. I’m jealous of my own brother. How horrible am I?
22 - Jackrabbit
I hunch my shoulders as I pass another poster with Dylan's face plastered all over it. Guilt swirls, but I push it away. He was a bad man, I remind myself. My wolf wags his tail once. I rub my sweaty palms on my thighs. My wolf may not feel the guilt of Dylan being gone, but I fully understand the moral dilemma. Carmichael, my mate, 'disposed' of Dylan as if it were nothing. Dylan is a sexual predator, while Carm kills people.
It's a human way of thinking, but I can't help but see the irony. My wolf turns in a circle twice before settling down and putting his snout on his paws to look dolefully in the distance.
"Matthew," the typically-sneering voice, for once, sounds distraught instead of disdainful.