Page 46 of Carmichael's Omega

"Well. An alpha can protect an omega mate. Cherish her, love her. But... since you want Cassie to be alone forever, I suppose you can tear his balls off," she muses thoughtfully. "Poor Cass, she always wanted to be a momma," she adds.

I pretend that the idea of Cassidy swollen with my pups isn't life-altering. I can daydream like aputolater.

The Beta looks even angrier. I prepare myself for the onslaught. This male is in his prime, still, and I'm just working towards mine. I have a chance. Slim, but it's there. My odds would be better if I fought dirty. The silver switchblade in my left boot beckons, but Cassidy would never forgive me. I'll take my beating as long as he leaves me breathing and my appendages, all of them, intact.

His eyes focus on someone over my shoulder. "Alpha," he greets sullenly. The energy drains instantly from us both.

"Teague, your Aunt Gloria called the office. I talked to her. She's fascinating. She wants you to call her back."

I eye this 'alpha.' Rumors claim that Alpha Alexander is one of the savviest wolves alive. Not to mention filthy, disgustingly rich.

"Alpha, please tell my mate that he can't kill Cassie's mate," Mina says. There's a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she speaks. She's twirling her phone in her hands. Both her mates eye her sullenly, but neither says anything to naysay her.

"Well, you have places to be, Carmichael, and I have to pee, so I expect to see you later?" Mina smiles at me before she turns, giving Alpha Alexander a wink, then saunters, with a pregnant waddle, back into the house.

The Beta looks into the sky. "She's pregnant. Can't make her upset," he says out loud as if reminding himself of those critical facts.

I nod at the Alpha. "Alpha, thank you for letting me on your land. I'll take you up on that meeting in a few weeks."

"Sounds good, Alphason," Alpha Alexander tries to hide his smirk as the Beta huffs behind us.


I'm smirking when I hop back on my bike. He got a punch in. My head is still throbbing, but I'm fucking his little female pup, so I figure it's as good as I deserve.



Skipping over to the door buzzer, I push the call button. "Hello? Who is it?" I call out cheerfully.

There's nothing, just silence from the call box. "Hello?" I ask. I frown, wondering if the unit malfunctioned. I think it's adorable that this building still has a buzzer box. No door attendant, and it's all low-tech. It sounds like my brother-by-mating, Blu, didn't case this place out before Teague signed the lease. He would have insisted on the cell phone buzzer link.

"Hello?" I ask again. Nothing. I look at the box, release the button, then push it again. "Hello? Hello? Hello?" I sing, giggling.

"Cassie? Yeah, so that's annoying. To me and the poor soul on the other side of the buzzer," Mattie teases me as he walks over. He pushes the button and says hello, too.

Still nothing.

"Hmm," I say, looking at him. "Maybe they went away?"

"Yeah, maybe." Mattie looks a little paler than he was just a moment ago, so I immediately try to cheer him up.

"Wanna make smoothies?" I ask him.

"Or cake?" he asks, sounding hopeful.

"I can make frosting!" I say excitedly. Mattie doesn't cook very well. He cleans wonderfully, but he's just a mess in the kitchen. I'm the complete opposite. I love to cook, but I can't clean. I do my best, but there's always something to distract me, and I've tripped over the vacuum cord an embarrassing amount of times in my life. It's just best if I don't tangle with brooms and mops. Or spray bottles. Those can spray you right in the face if you're not careful. You can never be too sure which direction the nozzle is facing.

"Let me see what you have," I tell him as I race over to the kitchen area. I take a moment, just absorbing the beautiful splendor of the state-of-the-art kitchen. The apartment may be modern simplicity, but the kitchen... oh, my.

"Did you come to visit me or the kitchen, Cass?"

"Hush, you," I sigh, smiling. "Let me just absorb the magnificence."

"I would like to absorb some cake," he responds, patting his stomach.

"Right," I smile at him before I start to demolish every cabinet and the fridge.