"About Cassidy," I confirm. Readiness trickles down my nerves, through my muscles. This is not a male to take lightly.
He straightens. "Yeah?" He scoops his female to his left, then behind him in a smooth motion before crossing his arms over his chest.
"Cassidy is my mate." I stiffen, readying myself for the fight about to occur.
His reaction isn't what I was expecting. Very slowly, a smirk crawls across his face. Green eyes glitter, mocking my declaration. "No, she isn't. Your pack is a bunch of thugs. She's too good for you."
I'm equally impressed by his control and pissed as hell at his taunt. Thispendejois precisely what I thought; in love with my mate. "She's mine, anyway,Jefe," I sneer.
His left eye twitches. "Listen, pup. You're a little punk-ass bitch as far as I'm concerned. I will peel the skin off of your balls and light that shit on fire before I let you touch a hair on my Cassie's head. You think you're tough shit because LoboGris is a bunch of criminal mongrels? You ain't shit."
"En chinga, cabrón," I seethe out, trying to shake the haze of rage out of my head. "Better to be a bunch of criminals than the pansy-assputosyou have over there in ClearHowl. At least I have balls; how would even find yours to skin,pendejo?"
"I'll show you a pair of balls,Carmichael," he sneers, "they're on my seven-year-old, and they're larger than yours."
"Hard to imagine, ClearHowl's Alphason isn't a pussy. You produced a born-fucking-Omega. Something's wrong."
I feel like apendejoas soon as I say it. I don't mean it; it's just been hammered into my head to hate Omegas. But not my Cassidy. She's not a mistake. She's a fucking blessing.
I'm feeling so guilty I don't stop the Beta from punching his fist right in my face. It hurts. I fly backward like a fucking ant. For a moment, I can't see. Everything is white. When my vision clears, all I see is the red blood flowing in my eyes from the gusher that my nose has become.
"Teague, you promised!" Cassidy's sister protests.
"Fuck, I didn't mean Cassidy," I mumble. I look up from the ground.
A wild-eyed alpha male stares at me, chest heaving up and down. "You fucking honestly don't get it, do you? She's a fuckingmiracle. She's too fucking good for you. You think I can't smell my pup on you? She's not mating you, Reyes. Notever."
"Blu!" Cassidy's sister cries into the house behind her.
"Angel, what's wrong? Shit!" a really...pretty... male runs out of the house. Soft blue eyes, much softer than mine, I have to say, look at me, startled, behind a pair of glasses. He's cute, in a nerdy way, a realñoño chulito.
I stand up with my ears ringing and narrow my eyes on him. He's an ordinary wolf, handsome, but he looks a little weak, not a threat to me. Until you look into his eyes, he's intelligent, and he's already figured out who I am, judging by the chill I see. This male must be the other one mated to Cassidy's sister, Blu Henness.
"Baby, this is Carmichael Reyes," the Beta says through gritted teeth. "He thinks he's going to mate our Cassie."
A faint smirk crosses Blu's face. "That explains the blood and swelling."
"She's mine," I climb back to my feet. "Vete a la verga, culero. She's my mate, and there's not a damn-fucking thing you can do about it."
"You know, Teague does this thing where he rips off-"
"-Arms,si, I've been told."
Blu grins wickedly. "I didn't get to see the last one. Sad, very disappointing for me."
"I'm sorry, Baby," Teague bares his teeth macabrely at me. "Do you want me to rip off his arms for you?" he growls. Blu laughs softly.
I glare at the Beta. It's not funny. "I came here because you, for some fucking reason, are important to Cassidy," I grit my teeth and force the words out.
Blues and greens look at me sharply. Male wolves circle the interloper in their midst. The thief. Cassidy is sunk deep in my pores. They both know that I've already made her mine.
I take a breath, letting my alpha-wolf puff out his coat, "I am her mate, and she is mine." I hit my chest for emphasis.
"No," the Beta crosses his arms.
"Teague," Mina cautions him gently. "They're mates, and he's an alpha."
"I don't give a rat's ass, babydoll, if he's the fucking human Pope. He can't mate my pup." Despite his words, he's gentle when he speaks to her.