"What are you doing?" I ask him, bewildered.
"Who is Mattie?" he snarls.
"My brother," I murmured.
"Your twin?" he asks. He steps closer and dips his head to inhale my scent. "This is his scent,sí?" he pulls away, and a look of confusion crosses his face for a brief second.
"Yes." I stare at him in surprise. "How do you know about-"
He hushes me. "Mina is your sister?"
"Yes?" How does he know all of this?
"I'm moving her to number three,si?" He taps out something on my phone.
"I erased the Beta," he snaps. "I'm number one,si?"
I snatch my phone back from him. "You're rude!"
He smirks down at me. "Text me when you get home,Conejita." He drops a kiss onto my forehead, then saunters off and straddles a big, black motorcycle before roaring off. Just like that.
I stomp all the way home, but as soon as I'm around the corner of the LaNu House, I send off a text.
Cassidy - I'm home.
ACR - good
Now I have to figure out what Teague's number is.
"I should memorize the numbers," I mumble under my breath. "I mean, what am I supposed to do? Text Mattie or Mina and let them know that somehow I lost Teague's number? Wait for him to text me? When is he going to do that? Before or after he sends the National Gaurd-"
My feet stumble over the sidewalk as I look up at the LaNu House. For once, it's not because I'm clumsy, but because I'm well and truly shocked.
In bright, bold red letters are the words 'Mu's are ugly whores' emblazoned on the front bay window of the house. Clear rubber balloons are all scattered around the yard. I bend over, stunned, and pick one up. It's filled with some sort of white pudding. I can smell the sugar.
I let it fall back to the ground. It's a condom. They're allcondoms. And they look used. They're everywhere. A few were even clearly thrown at the windows. White pudding is smeared on the glass.
I look into the angry eyes of Miranda.
"Who did this?" I ask softly.
"Who else?" she seethes. "I'm gone for less than an hour, and this happens?" She waves her hand around, indicating the yard. "Half of the girls are inside, bawling their eyes out. They drove by, apparently, and one of those ball-less fucks knocked over Lacey when she ran out to stop them."
"Miranda," I whisper, shaking my head. "I thought everything was going to be OK."
Her face crumples a bit. "So did I, Cassie. So did I."
I look down at my phone, feeling tears slide down my cheeks. Why would Carmichael let them do this? Why would Rique and the Veep? Are we really just toys to them?
Miranda takes me by the shoulders and guides me inside. "Come with me, Cassie, please? Help them? I can't stay right now. I have," she shakes her head, "I have something else I need to do." She looks frazzled.
Blankly, I look up from my phone to see my sorority sisters huddled together, sorrow pouring from them.
I go over and insert myself into the largest group. "It's going to be alright," I tell them softly. "They can't do things like this and expect the university to let it slide. They damaged property."
I ease the burden of their sorrow, but I can't seem to shake my own. I nearly leap out of my skin when my phone dings.