"I missed you, too."
"We're going, now, kids," Miranda's voice interjects. "Stay safe, OK?"
I look up at them sharply. Is Miranda one of those 'protectors' Teague was talking about? I look at her picture-perfect outfit. Black pants that look painted on. A dark wine-colored button-up shirt. Her dark hair is pulled into a low ponytail at her nape. On her feet, she's wearing black calf-high boots. Very chic. She's either going for a ride or off to kill someone.
"We'll stay in the house, Miranda," Cassidy promises. "Sheesh, she's worse than Mina."
I just hug Cassie tight again.
8 - Something's Wrong
"I'll miss you," I squeeze my brother as tightly as I can.
"I. Can... Tell," he over-exaggerates everything, my brother.
I release him, and he heaves a huge sigh of relief. Grinning, Mattie climbs back into his car.
I wave madly as he pulls out of the parking lot slowly and leaves.
My smile falls almost right away. Yanking my phone out of my pocket, I call my brother-by-mating. He picks up on the first ring.
"Hey, sweetbee. What's going on?"
"Teague? Something is wrong with Mattie," I tell him.
"Tell me." His voice hardens immediately.
"He flinched when I hugged him," I whisper. Tears start welling up. "I just know something's wrong, T. Can you talk to him?"
"I placed protection on him, but they were delayed," Teague snarls. "Fuck!"
I hear him stomping, growling, and cursing under his breath. Then, a slow inhale. "How're you doing, sweet girl?"
"I'm fine," I rush out to say. "I love it here!" I tell him brightly.
"Alright," Teague says, suspicion clear in his voice.
"OK, well, I love you," I rush to get him off the phone.
"Who are you talking to,Conejita?"
I freeze with the phone held to my ear.
"Who the fuck is that, Cassie?" Teague snaps.
"Umm..." This is bad. Teague is going to go ballistic, but Carmichael is right behind me. I hang up the phone.
"My brother-by-mating," I whisper.
"The Beta?" he says dangerously.
"Yes," I say.
My phone is plucked from my nerveless fingers. I spin around to see an icily angry alpha-wolf glaring at my phone.