But she was too late and didn’t get that far.

He tackled her to the ground and pushed her head into the dirt. He sat on top of the back of her thighs and she felt his hand slithering over her butt.

“I’m gonna take Hanks’ death out on your ass!”

Oh, my God. Was this all about Hank? That was the guy who’d stabbed Ronan. She’d heard that had all been handled. Did Ronan mean handled in the way these biker guys handled their loose ends?

Oh, no. Was she now one of those loose ends?

He leaned in and breathed against her ear, “Going to rip you apart when I stick my—”

As if someone had put him on pause, he stopped mid-sentence and held still.

She was sure he must have heard motorcycles earlier. She couldn’t believe he chose his revenge before hiding or running away from the Iron Vikings MC.

She screamed with the realization that this could be her chance to catch him off guard and let the MC know where they were.

“Shut up!”

He rolled her so she lay on her back. His hands grabbed her hands when she tried to fight him. Just when he let go of one of her hands and balled his fist to knock her like he’d done Gwenn, he was ripped away from her.

Ronan’s voice soothed her as he picked her up from the cold ground. She wondered who had tackled that man from her, but then she heard her brother Devlin say, “Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit!”

Another man came out of nowhere, roaring to no one in particular, “Where is she?”

It took a moment for Fianna to realize he’d meant Gwenn.

She waved in the direction she’d left her sister to fend for herself. She couldn’t believe what she’d done. And what almost happened.

Ronan kissed her forehead and said, “It’s going to be okay, Red. I’ve got you.”

She slung her arms around his neck and said with a shaking voice, “We need to get Gwenn. She’s still in that grass…”

Her throat burned from her screams. Another reminder of what happened.

“Zeus got her, Fi. She’s safe. He’s taking her to a doctor.”

She’d missed him pass them with Gwenn in his arms. Ronan walked out of the field, straight over to his truck, where Zeus stepped into the back of another truck with Gwenn in his arms.

“I need to go with her, Ro. She—”

“We’ll follow them, Fi. It’s going to be okay. Doc will fix her.”

She had no energy to ask about this Doc person. She knew in her gut that by the way this Zeus character didn’t take his eyes’ of Gwenn, that he would make sure she would get the best care possible.

Ronan took her face in the palm of his hands after they had entered his truck.

“I love you, Fi. I’m not going to get mad at you today, but you can be assured that a spanking is coming your way.”

She smiled at his silliness. “I love you, too, Ro. I couldn’t think of anything else but wanting to see you again and tell you I love you. I’m so glad you found us.”

“I got some help from the MC.”

“Is Gwenn going to be all right?”

Ronan started the truck and said, “She’s probably already educating the MC brothers on a certain interrogation technique, I’m sure.”

Fianna wasn’t stupid. This technique involved hurting her attacker.