She hoped her sister smiled while she did so.



Fianna did an extra round on the back of Stormchaser. She couldn’t believe that in the next few weeks, she had to stop riding before it became unsafe. It wasn’t like she was afraid to fall off, but Ronan was.

When he’d said that he would never forgive Stormchaser if something happened to the twins growing inside her tummy, she saw things from his perspective.

They had just found out about their pregnancy. At first, Fianna had figured she’d missed her period because of all the stress she’d endured during and after the kidnapping.

But one missed period turned into three. Two nights ago, Ronan had kissed her belly and said, “Take the test, Fi. I just know that my kid is growing inside of you.”

A doctor in the hospital confirmed a positive home pregnancy test just this morning. And that wasn’t all. She couldn’t believe it that they would have twins. Just like her sister Bree.

Those Mills genes were something else. She’d puked during her kidnapping and it had made her birth control pill unsafe. At least something good had come out of that horrible night.

She still woke up in a sweat almost every night. She would often talk with Gwenn on the phone in the middle of the night. Surviving those bastards had brought her much closer to her sister. Now it seemed like they only needed half a look and the other already understood.

“Ah, there you are. Are you ready to come home yet?”

Fianna let Ronan help her get down, just to make him feel better. She’d noticed how he needed something to do to help her. The last three months had been hard on all of them.

She couldn’t wait to share their joyful news with the rest of their family. It would brighten everyone’s mood.

“What are you smiling about, Red?”

As she walked Stormchaser back into his stall, she said over her shoulder, “Just thinkin’ about you. And how you’re so eager to help.”

A hint of mischief glistened in his eyes.

“Oh, you have no idea how eager I am…”

She giggled at his playfulness. But before she knew it, he helped her with Stormchaser and closed the door to his stall.

“Come,” he said as he lead her back to the hayloft at the back of the Moore farm.

She had an inkling of his intentions and said, “Where is everybody?”

Ronan smirked. “They’re all out to that farmer’s market. And I saw Ryan hop in his truck. He’s checking the fences and you know he’ll be out for at least two hours.”

Like a waiter in a posh restaurant, Ronan stepped aside and said, “After you, Madame.”

She laughed as she climbed the small steps to the top of the hayloft. Upstairs there was little hay. Just a space with a lot of much needed privacy. Fianna didn’t know if it could possibly the effect of pregnancy hormones already, but she wanted to rip Ronan’s clothes off.

Ronan had something else in mind as he tenderly stroked the apple of her cheek.

“I love you, Fi. I’ve brought you here today because six years ago, this was the spot where I fucked up.”

Fianna scrunched her nose. She wanted to shout ‘mood kill’ in four different languages. But she remained quiet and listened.

“You asked me to walk away from MMA fighting for the club and I should have listened to you. None of this all would have happened…”

Her heart broke for him. How could he take this all upon himself?

“That’s crazy, Ro. This isn’t your fault. What happened with those guys and with that Hank was because you stumbled upon him during a job for Don. Are you quitting your job now as well? We’re having babies in a few months. That’s probably not the smartest move.”

He rolled her eyes when she stuck out her tongue.