“We’ve got to look for loose parts of this floor. Maybe we can rip pieces out that we can sharpen and use. Or anything else like screws.”

“I’ll want to play myself in the movie when we get out of this mess,” Fianna said, as she felt the floor of the van for sharp things to use.

Gwenn didn’t respond but found a small piece of wood no bigger than a bankcard and held it in the air to examine closer.

She whispered, “Yes! This is what we need, Fi.”

Gwenn pointed at a loose piece of wood that came from the interior panelling of the van. “But watch it, it has splinters that are sharp as hell.”

Fianna grabbed a piece of the plywood and got on her knees. With all the power she had left in her semi-drunken state; she yanked a good amount of board from the side.

Growing up at the farm showed its advantages tonight. Fianna wasn’t afraid to get her hands dirty.

“That’s it, Fi. We’re going to show them what we do with crazy fuckers….”

Fianna sat back on her behind and said, “I have no freakin’ clue what to do with crazy! I don’t want to mess with crazy.”

“Okay, you can let it all out after. Not now. Keep your wits about you, Fi. Focus.”

Fianna nodded halfheartedly.

“They can only open the door to that side, and we have to make sure to surprise them. You can lie still, like you’re passed out drunk, they will look at you and it will take them a second to figure out they’re missing one. In that split-second, I’ll bang this piece of plywood against his head.”

“I’m not doing this, Gwenn. This is dangerous. What if we make matters worse?”

The van stopped moving and Gwenn whispered, “It’s time. Go lay down. It’s a few more minutes and then we’ll go ape-shit on these guys.”

Fianna went down to the floor and tried to be as quiet as possible in faking to be passed out. She couldn’t believe she would actually participate in Gwenn’s plan. But as the footsteps crunched the dirt next to the side of the van, she realized it was now or never.

Knowing you’re going to hurt someone before they hurt you didn’t make it any easier. Fianna’s heart pounded in her chest, while she waited on the backdoor of the cargo van to open. She reminded herself to keep breathing.

The noise of the doors being unlocked and then opened sent shivers up Fianna’s spine. She swallowed once again the vile taste that burned her throat.

One of the men shouted, “Come here!”

Fianna stuck her head up and looked over her shoulder; just in time to see the man standing closest to Gwenn, didn’t know what hit him. Literally. Gwenn roared like some kind of banshee and went for the guy’s neck. It did the trick because she pushed her piece of plywood deeper and deeper until it got stuck.

Gwenn must have hit something bad, because a projectile spray of blood emerged from the man’s throat before he fell to the ground. His gurgled screams chilled Fianna to the bone.

Fianna crawled on her hands and knees to Gwenn, hoping that together they could make it out of there alive.

The second man emerged from the side of the van. Fianna feared this guy the most, since she estimated this creep to be the one calling the shots. The man, dressed in similar biker attire as her half-brother, saw his buddy bleeding out before he checked the van.

His deranged, bloodshot eyes sized them up. Gwenn had lost her weapon since it stuck in the other man’s throat.

“You bitch! I’m going to make you pay.”

He grabbed Gwenn’s ankle and yanked her leg outside. Gwenn hit the back of her head against the floor of the van as she tried to kick him away from her. The man raged on about how he would hurt Gwenn and seemed to have forgotten Fianna existed as he dragged Gwenn out of the van.

Fianna franticly searched the van’s floor, willing to come up with anything that she could use. There was absolutely nothing. There was no time to rip another piece of plywood.

Not when she heard Gwenn scream like the man fulfilled his earlier promise.

The guy knocked his fist in Gwenn’s face as she lay on the floor. Fianna had no other option. She flew out of the van and landed on the man’s back.

With her nails biting into his fleshy cheeks, she tried to make him let go of her sister.

“Get off of me, you whore!” He wriggled to make her fall off his back.