But first she had a real girls’ night planned with Emmy, Mae, and Teagan. Fianna suddenly felt bad for not including Gwenn and Catriona. So she said, “Would you like to hang out with us tonight? We’re going to the Velvet Club.”

Gwenn seemed surprised by the invitation but said, “Yeah, sure.”

Catriona shook her head. “I’m sorry. I can’t tonight. But give me your phone and I’ll put in my number. We can hang out some other time?”

A giddy feeling washed over her. This day wasn’t bad at all.



“Ithink I had enough dancing for one night,” Gwenn shouted against Fianna’s ear. Fianna wobbled on her feet and grabbed a hold of her sister’s bicep.

“I’m done with this entire night. Mae and Emmy are talking to those guys all night. And we’re done with this DJ…” Fianna hiccupped. Maybe she shouldn’t have joined that last round of shots.

Gwenn smiled. “Okay, I’m going to ask them if they want to ride home with us.”

Fianna nodded and said, “I’ll make a pit stop at the restroom. I’ll see you there.”

“Okay. I’ll be there in five,” Gwenn said.

Fianna bumped against a couple dry humping on the dance floor. “Oops. Sorry…”

She giggled all the way to the bathroom. Shhit. She was hammered. Why was it that the moment she stopped drinking and go for a walk she noticed being drunk? Where was this wisdom when she ordered her fourth Martini of the night?

She pushed the door open to the restroom, but someone picked her up from behind and walked her straight over to the fire exit in the narrow hallway next to the bathroom.

“Hey!” she heard Gwenn yelling.

The weird thing was that someone had just picked her up and her sister was the one doing all the yelling. Fianna opened her mouth, but in the next second, a dirty hand covered her mouth.

Two guys pushed her into the back of a black van. She couldn’t believe how quickly she got separated from her friends. How easy it had been to just pick her up and drag her away like some naughty child that wouldn’t listen.

After all those years of watching out for her friends and checking her surrounding while going out… The one time she didn’t have her guard up, she got herself kidnapped.

She should’ve been sitting on her sofa, watching a rerun of Friends. Ronan was home right now. Just chillin’. Like nothing big was going on.

What was Gwenn still doing here? Why didn’t she run and get help? With both hands up in the air, Gwenn stepped into the back of the van.

One of the two guys pointed his gun at them and said, “Don’t try anything and we’ll not kill you.”

That did the trick in sobering her up. She scooted over to Gwenn, who heaved like she just got out of a fight. Her shirt was ripped and bruised formed on her arms and chin.

“They did that to you?”

Gwenn snorted. “I’m going to do much worse to them, sis. You can count on that.”

Fianna’s stomach churned, and she quickly put a hand over her mouth and swallowed down the bile.

She watched as Gwenn doubled over and then shifted, so her stomach hung over Fianna’s side. She protested until she realized what Gwenn’s intentions were. Probably some kind of McGyver-move and make their captors even angrier when they’d find out. And they would. They always did. Didn’t Gwenn watch crime shows?

“What are you doing?” Fianna hissed.

“Shhh. Keep your voice down,” Gwenn said.

Sure, her sister was a trained soldier. But she wasn’t. Fianna could ride their kidnapper’s backs and maybe groom their dirty hair.

This was just another insane Gwenn action.