Gwenn had that crazy smile on her face again when she said, “Nah. Not really. Just met some of the guys. They are all right.”

“Did you meet Demon?”

Devlin actually growled at Catriona’s question, surprising Fianna with the unexpected sound.

“Cat. I’ll not repeat myself,” he said through gritted teeth.

It seemed like this Demon character was off-limits as a conversation topic. Or perhaps off-limits in general.

Gwenn ignored Devlin and said to Catriona, “Oh yeah. I sure did,”

Catriona narrowed her pale grey eyes at Gwenn, who immediately held up both hands in defeat, “No worries, Cat. He’s all yours. They all are where I’m concerned.”

Devlin stabbed his index finger on the tabletop and said, “Let me get one thing straight. Cat and one of my brothers? Not happenin’.”

Fianna watched how Gwenn smirked in his face like she thought he could talk until his head exploded; he would not change the fact that Catriona didn’t seem to share his opinion.

“But you, on the other hand… You better watch yourself, because Zeus is coming for your ass.”

Gwenn huffed and said, “Oh, really? You think I’m scared of a guy who is named after a Greek God and acts like he really is one and rules over everyone?”

Catriona’s eyes widened like she couldn’t believe the way Gwenn dared to talk about this Zeus guy.

Devlin shook his head. “He’s a man on a mission. He wants you.”

Gwenn redid her ponytail and swept the long, brown strands of hair from her face.

“I’d like to see him come for me… pun intended,” Gwenn said, and winked at Catriona, who actually laughed.

“Geez. You two are going to be the fuckin’ death of me, I swear. Fianna… please do me a favor and stick with Ro so I know at least one of my sisters is taken care of.”

She smiled at her brother. That was kind of sweet of him.

And… totally backwards in regard to the female empowerment movement. Like she needed a man to take care of her. But she could see that in his world, it meant a lot to him that Ronan would look out for her. And that he did.

She waved at Teagan, who arrived at their table with a few snacks.

“Who’s that?” Devlin said with furrowed brows. His eyes never left Teagan as she weaved through the two other picnic tables.

“That’s Ronan’s cousin Teagan. She lives here at the farm,” Fianna said.

Devlin hummed while he sat up straight. He didn’t say anything but also didn’t respond to Gwenn when she said something about that Zeus guy.

“Hi, everyone! I’m Teagan. Nice to meet you! Fi, are we still on for tonight?” Teagan asked after placing several plates on their table.

“What are you doin’ tonight?” Devlin asked Fianna in a clipped voice. She wondered what crawled up his bum.

“Girls’ night,” Fianna replied.

Teagan smiled at Devlin, but he didn’t return her smile. He got up from his spot and walked in a straight line to the ranch.

Okay, her brother may have been nice to her today, but he didn’t exactly show manners when he just blatantly ignored Teagan.

She got a tiny inside glimpse of the MC today by hanging out with Devlin and Catriona. Although they seemed rough around the edges, she still believed they were good people.

Setting aside her prejudice and making new friends in her half-siblings was something she normally wouldn’t have done. She was proud of her growth. She couldn’t wait to talk to Ronan later and tell him about her day.

How bizarre. She’d dreaded this family reunion for such a long time. And after giving them a shot, she even liked them. She couldn’t wait to tell Ronan tomorrow. He was going to be so proud of her.