When he was fully clothed again, he stepped out of the locker room and found Ryleigh standing in the hallway with her arms crossed in front of her chest. Fuck. He had forgotten about her for a moment.

“Who was that?”

She’d seen enough during her time in the underground fighting circuit to have a sixth sense about people. The fights drew shady people like bookies, drug dealers, and the losers that followed them around in search of their next fix.

He’d seen one too many times how desperate some people would become running out of money for their next hit. Fuck. It happened to Keenan’s ex, Evangeline.

Look at how that ended. She got caught up in the wrong crowd, got addicted to drugs and lived a hard life before Donovan found her and Keenan made her go to rehab.

They hadn’t heard from Evangeline for quite some time now. He was glad that Ryleigh was Tommy’s mom now, and that she was making him and Keenan happy again.

“Ry… I need to take care of something.”

She nodded. “I guess you’re not coming to dinner then?”

He tried his best smile and said, “Doesn’t look that way. I’ll try to come by later in the week, okay?”

“Be careful, Ro.”

It didn’t surprise him that she had the understanding to let this go. He nodded and said, “I know. I’ll be fine.”

He walked Ryleigh to her ride. Once she was safely away, he crossed the parking lot and stepped into his truck, locking all the doors. He glanced around and took in each parked vehicle. Perhaps he’d been more spooked by Svetoslav’s surprise visit than he first thought.

This Hank fucker turned out to be a real psycho stalker. Ronan felt responsible not bringing this crazy amount of trouble on Fianna or his family’s doorstep.

He took out his phone and dialed the one man who could help him out of his predicament.

That man picked up and said, “Donovan.”

“I got a visit from Svetoslav. Hank is asking around about me and pulling out all the stops in trying to get me spooked.”

“He’s definitely back in Austin,” Donovan mused.

“Yeah, no shit. We need to find this asshole, Don. I can’t have him stirring up shit. I don’t want him anywhere near Fi.”

“I know. I understand. Give me an hour to check up on some things.”

Ronan started the truck. “The office or your place?”

“I’m still at the office. See you in a bit.”

Ronan hung up the phone. He rounded the corner on his way to his brother’s office. Ronan got a creepy feeling that someone was watching him, but he put that feeling aside. He needed to keep his head in the game.



Gwenn peered over the back of the sofa as Fianna reentered her sisters’ living room after hanging up on Ronan. “Everything okay?”

Fianna nodded and retook her seat on the armchair. She didn’t miss the look her sisters Gwenn and Kera shared. Just another thing that irritated the hell out of her.

“What?” she asked them, agitated.

As always, Kera wanted to keep the peace and leaned across to place a hand on Fianna’s knee. “What’s wrong, sis? Was that Ronan on the phone?”

“Yes. He’s heading over to Mills Security tonight. Apparently, he needed to have a talk with Donovan.”

Gwenn had always been on Ronan’s side after the break-up and didn’t mince her words while pleading his case.