“That’s not too bad, is it?” Kera said.

Fianna closed her eyes for a moment while taking a deep breath. As the middle child, Fianna always stood apart from the rest of her sisters. Her two older sisters, Caitlin and Kera, were the responsible ones.

And her two younger sisters, Bree and Gwenn, had always been so close that it proved impossible to join their duo.

Bree was an absolute sweetheart, but Gwenn often rubbed Fianna the wrong way, and they butted heads more often than not. Not that they didn’t love each other, because she knew Gwenn loved her even if she wouldn’t leave a single opportunity to call her out on her attitude.

And it had been the same for Fianna.

If she was truly honest, Gwenn reminded her of Ronan with her stupid jokes and no nonsense mindset. It was like waving a red flag in front of her while she was so angry with him for the past six years.

In the past few months, she’d witnessed how close Gwenn and Ronan really had become working side by side. Fianna loved how Gwenn and Ronan teased each other like brother and sister.

It didn’t make her feel left out. Now that she was together with Ronan again, she also grew closer to her Gwenn. She had no idea how hard she’d missed their bond from before they had drifted apart.

What had irritated Fianna about Ronan’s phone call just now was that he kept things from her. It was obvious that Donovan and he were searching for Ronan’s attacker. When was he ever going to quit playing these dangerous games?

He’d almost died that day. She couldn’t even think about losing him again. They just found their way back to each other again.

This stabber-guy was the real deal and obviously not to be messed around with. And even though Ronan wasn’t scared, she was scared for him. She had seen how self-destructive he could be with taking on four guys against one. Only now they weren’t in high school anymore. Now he was playing around with shady types that picked on others for a living.

These hardened criminals wouldn’t bow down for Ronan. She held her breath that he wouldn’t get hurt.

“It’s all going to be fine, Fi. Relax. Ro knows what he’s doing. Take a glass of wine. Chill,” Gwenn said.

She narrowed her eyes at her youngest sister for even suggesting that kind of nonsense. How could she chill when she heard something in his tone of voice that had all her internal alarm bells ringing?

“I’m not going to ‘chill’!”

“No, I guess not…” Gwenn said under her breath.

“Something is going on, Gwenn. I just know it!”

Gwenn stood and fished the cellphone from her back pocket. She pressed the phone to her ear, waiting. Fianna opened her mouth to launch into a new tirade, but Gwenn held a finger up at her to shut up. “Let me talk to him. I’ll know if something is wrong soon enough.”

“Thanks, sis.”

She hated to ask her sister for help, but she was glad that for once, Gwenn listened to her.

“Yo, dickface! What’s going on?”

Fianna scrunched her nose at her sister’s language. She was rather used to her tomboy sister being one of the guys, but she took it to the next level by calling Ronan ‘dickface’.

“Okay. And you didn’t think about callin’ me?”

Gwenn paced the room as she talked on her phone, but other than that, she seemed her normal and calm self. Gwenn weaved a hand through her long, straight brown hair, and Fianna noticed just how feminine her features were.

For someone who could fight like a man and talked like a dude, she was sure her sister, on the other hand, resembled every man’s wet dream with her twinkling azure eyes and curvy body.

“Can I talk to Don?” Gwenn said, and moved out of the living room.

Fianna stared back at Kera. She couldn’t believe she was shut out of their conversation.

“Do you need me to call Bree so she can get over here? I need to go to the hospital in five…” Kera said with an apologetic tone of voice. She probably didn’t want to leave her alone with Gwenn, as they were about to butt heads again.

Kera had been a field medic for several years before she returned and landed a job at the ER. Where Kera was calm and refined, her sister and roommate Gwenn were just like Ronan; a hothead and a rebel.

Even though it would be best to not leave them alone, Fianna also was above needing a babysitter. And she certainly wouldn’t ask her sister Bree to supervise them, as she probably was getting the twins into bed at this hour.