Fianna had agreed to give them another shot, but she still kept her distance between them. He needed to work out his frustration, and sparring with his brother always did the trick.

Thinking about all the reasons she didn’t want to meet up with him tonight wouldn’t change a thing.

Gwenn snorted and said, “If you’d train any more, you’d explode. You’re a beast, old man.”

He laughed her jab away. Even though she often embraced her silly side, he trusted her with his life. Whenever they were out on a job, he never second-guessed her assessment of the surroundings.

Gwenn had only once talked about her experience in the military, giving him an inkling of what she’d been trained to do. On their first workday together, she sat him down and told him some of the most gruesome stories. Gwenn Ryan may come across as this laid-back twenty-five-year-old with long brown hair and twinkling azure eyes. But make no mistake: there’s a stone-cold killer inside of her.

She hated that side of her, but Ronan was thankful for her skills, as she’d saved his arse not that long ago.

“So, what did you want to talk about?” he asked his brother.

Donovan pushed his chair back from his desk and sighed while making himself more comfortable in his seat. He placed an ankle on one knee and picked up a pen to tap it on his hardwood desk.

“What I’m about to say stays between us, understood?” Donovan held Ronan and Gwenn’s eyes for a moment too long. Ronan got this uneasy feeling that he would not like where this was headed.

“Yeah. Sure.” Ronan shot Gwenn a questioning look, which she returned with a simple shrug, like it was no skin of her back.

“How close are you with the guys from the Iron Vikings MC?” Donovan asked Ronan.

Ronan leaned back in his chair, his brows furrowed. “Why?”

Donovan swiveled the pen between his fingers. “Humor me.”

“I’ve been fighting in their underground fight club for almost a decade.”

“I know. But how close are you? I know you’ve hung out with Devlin…”

Gwenn perked up at hearing her half-brother’s name. “Devlin?”

“He’s a member of the Iron Vikings MC, but also an MMA fighter, so I know your brother, yeah. I didn’t know that he was your family at the time, though. Not until we found out about what your father had done.”

He should have known that she wasn’t in the least shocked to hear that her half-brother was a part of a notorious motorcycle club. She nodded at Ronan, turned to Donovan and said, “Let’s not get into my family drama about my father having an entire secret family on the side.”

“That’s fair enough. But we still need to talk about Ro’s involvement with the Iron Vikings MC. Something’s come up.”

“And that is?” Gwenn asked.

Donovan’s upper lip pulled at Gwenn’s eagerness to hear what’s been going on. Normally, Donovan never showed much emotion. But apparently, Ronan wasn’t the only one with a soft spot for the youngest Ryan sister.

“I’ve found the man that stabbed Ronan. His name is Hank Uner.”

A knot formed in Ronan’s stomach. There was probably a good reason his brother hadn’t involved the police. He wondered why he wasn’t discussing this at the police station right now.

Donovan continued, “Something felt off about him shooting at you at first sight. I know we deal with a lot of nut jobs, but this seemed different. His ex may have been staying at that shelter, but he got spooked and stabbed you for a different reason.”

Gwenn arched a brow at Ronan, not knowing where Donovan was heading with this. Ronan had no clue either. Sure, Hank’s reaction had been unnecessary. Over the top even.

Ronan stared at his brother as he clearly had some kind of explanation.

“What was he doing out there in that disgusting alley?” Gwenn asked.

“I’ve monitored the feed of the cameras we’ve put up around the area of the shelter. There’s a pattern. Hank slithers into that alley every Wednesday, meeting up with Silas for the past months.”

“Who’s Silas?” Gwenn asked.

“He’s one of the top dogs in the MC. The Vice President,” Donovan said.