“Why is Silas meeting this bozo?” Gwenn asked.

“I’ve heard from Dec that the word around the station is that Hank is known for drug-related crimes,” Donovan said.

“The Iron Vikings are not into drugs, Don.”

Donovan cocked his head. “How can you be so sure? You’re only fighting for them; you’re not a member. It’s Silas we’re talking about. If the club’s not into drugs, why is their VP meeting with a reject like Hank every Wednesday?”

Ronan didn’t have an answer for his brother.

Gwenn tapped her chin with her index finger. “Is there someone in the club we can trust?”

Donovan held up a hand. “We’re not getting involved. I’m only sharing this because your half-brother is a part of IVMC and I know that you’ll be meeting each other soon at that family reunion. And also, because I want you,” Donovan held Ronan’s stare, “To stop fighting for the club. Someone with ties to the club has stabbed you, Ro. And if that isn’t bad enough, my guess is that there’s a storm brewing internally.”

“Not a chance in hell. I’m sorry, Don. But I can’t keep this under wraps and let those guys go down with Hank. That bastard stabbed me. And he’s got the word ‘rat’ written all over him. If it weren’t for the club…” Ronan shook his head. He’d rather not think about how his life would have panned out without the outlet of fighting in their underground fight club. Fighting was a way of channeling his pent up anger and despair after losing the love of his life.

Ronan wasn’t a member of the MC, but what they called ‘a friend of the club’. He hung out with them. Partied with them. Shared inside jokes. But above all, they understood him. They had each other’s backs more than once during a fight. He wasn’t about to sit back and watch Hank do them dirty.

“The MC lost a few members in a shooting not that long ago, Ro. Don’t tell me this is all a coincidence.” Donovan’s agitation was clear in his voice.

“You don’t need to tell me that. I knew every single one of the members that died that day,” Ronan said as he held his brother’s eyes.

Gwenn accepted the file Donovan handed her. She flipped through a few pages before she held still by a photograph. “Who’s this?”

“That’s Zeus, the President’s son,” Donovan said.

Ronan glanced over Gwenn’s shoulder at the picture of the Sergeant-at-Arms of IVMC on his wedding day. That fatal day, the MC lost several brothers and even Zeus’ old lady. Ronan had heard months after the shooting that the club still had no idea who’d ordered the attack.

His heart raced in his chest. Ronan knew about the no hard drugs rule inside the club. Let alone members dealing that shit. Did Donovan accidentally stumble upon some foul play within the club?

“Is my half-brother in any of these pictures?”

Ronan pointed at Devlin, the guy in the back of a group, still sticking out because of his peculiar hair. Devlin’s pitch-black hair fell to his shoulder on one side and on the other side of his skull he’d kept it close shaved.

“Ah, right. I’ve seen him once at Keenan and Ryleigh’s wedding,” she mumbled.

“Yeah, he’s different. Must run in the family,” Ronan said and laughed at her eye roll.

Gwenn pointed at one of the old timers in the club, and Ronan grinned. “Ah, Turtle. He’s a real piece of work. Didn’t you tell me you met him before?”

Before Gwenn could answer him, Donovan interrupted and said, “Well, if you two are done giggling like little schoolgirls, we have work to do. I’ll see if I can hack some of the other security feeds in the area. Maybe we can find some footage of actual deals between the IVMC and Hank. And Ro, maybe you can get your feelers out, talk with Devlin?”

Ronan nodded. “I’ll handle it.”

“You mean we’ll handle it.” Gwenn crossed her arms.

“I’m not talking with Devlin about any betrayal in his club while he’s properly meeting his half-sister for the first time. You’ll have to sit this one out, Gwenn. I mean it. This shit is too important to get sidetracked by your family reunion.”

Gwenn rolled her eyes. “It’s not like I’m going to fall into my brother’s arms and bitch and moan about our dad when we’re about to talk about something like that. But I can already tell you’ve made your mind up. Call me if you need me.”

“I will.” Ronan took his phone out of his pocket and dialed Devlin’s number. His instincts told him to hang up before Devlin picked up his phone. He would stop by Declan’s before talking to Devlin. See what he could advise him about how to go about this.

With all this shit thrown at him, he forgot for a moment about Fianna not texting him back if she wanted to meet up later. At least there was that.



Fianna laughed at Declan, throwing her an exasperated look as he walked into the hallway. Declan had wanted to leave over half an hour ago, but Bree kept giving the twins hugs and kisses before going out for the night with her husband.