“All good. Did you hear that Fi and I are back together?”

She glanced up at him with the slightest hint of mischief in her chocolate colored eyes. It still amazed him how her eyes were that dark, they almost seemed black, but her hair had always been this wavy, natural blonde.

“I figured that after I heard you two kissed at the hospital and I just came in and saw you staring at her with that weird smile on your face.”

He bumped his hip against hers and she laughed when she barely held her balance on the fence.


“How is that new university working out for you?”

He’d heard how she had started her first semester at this new Dance University downtown. She had dropped her accounting study to finally chase her dream of becoming a professional dancer. Even though he didn’t come at the farm that often, he still kept up to speed with all of his cousins.

Much like a divorce, Fianna and him each went their separate ways after their break-up. Since she worked at the farm, he did his best to stay out of her way. He knew the moment she came back to Austin two years ago, she would want to go see Shauni or work with Stormchaser without risking seeing his sorry ass showing up every other day.

He had talked about it with his aunt and Shauni had said that everyone was welcome in her home and that he didn’t need to do that. But he felt it was the least he could do since Fianna had felt so strongly before she had even moved to Colorado to avoid him.

“It’s okay, I guess,” Teagan sullenly said, bringing his mind back to his question about her university.

“Who do I need to knock around?”

She guffawed and said, “Nobody. Geez.”

He turned, so she had his full attention. “Well, what is it then?”

She shrugged and said, “I think I lost my passion for dancing.”

“How do you even lose your passion? Did you misplaced it somewhere around this farm?”

Teagan rolled her brown eyes. “I heard you are quitting your passion. So don’t you start something you can’t finish, Ro.”

“Ah, you heard that, eh? Well, it’s true. I’ll no longer fight in those deserted warehouses against the absolute scum of the earth. But I also will no longer have to fear for whatever these assholes are up to and if they will ever come after the ones I love.”

She tilted her head and said, “It sounds to me like you should have stopped fighting a long time ago.”

“But that’s where you’re wrong, cuz. I still carry my passion for fighting with me. It’s within me, and every time I step into the ring or a cage, it comes roaring out of me. I can’t help myself because it almost seems bigger than me. But what I can control is how and where I let my passion run free. I’m not killing my desire by stopping underground cage fighting. I only tunnel my passion so that it doesn’t consume me anymore.”

“Wow. I hope that I can tunnel my passion for dancing like you did for fighting. I’m lost, Ro. Every day at school, those stupid classes with teachers who know nothing about modern dances…”

“Have you talked to Errin? Her dance studio is nearby my home, downtown. Maybe you could start there and see if you can get your vibe back?”

Teagan glanced over at Fianna, who shouted a direction for the kid who had failed to get his horse over the first obstacle.

“Fi’s in her element, even though she isn’t on the horse herself.”

“Well, there you go. My work here is done.” He grinned when she sighed and shook her head.

“Your head is almost bigger than Stormchaser’s. Maybe that’s the reason Fi likes you so much.”

“That’s true!” Fianna said as she passed them running. They both laughed at the woman who always needed to have the final word. Her fiery red hair was kept in a long braid and slapped her back as she ran through the ring.

“Are you here this weekend when there’s that thing with the Ryan sisters and Walker family?” Teagan asked.

Ronan snickered as he could see Shauni offering the farm as their neutral ground for their first encounter. Sure, she did it out of the goodness of her heart. But she also liked to sit front row and meet the Walkers first so she can tell all about it to the rest of the Mills aunts and uncles.

Although Shauni would probably have to fence off Pops for showing up and stealing her scoop. It reminded him to check up on his grandfather later today. They often talked while he visited his brother’s pub, The Lucky Irishman.

But this week, he spent every bit of free time with Fianna and hadn’t even been down to Lucky’s once. Maybe he should take Fi with him tonight for dinner.