“Is your sister working tonight?”

“Yes. Emmy has this new dish; I heard Keenan has tried to replicate it three times now. Ryleigh said she’s sick of it already because he can’t seem to get it right. She’s eaten the same thing three nights in a row. Tommy’s on a strike and won’t eat dinner. Unless it’s something else.”

Ronan laughed. That sounded like Blondie. Damn. He was missing out on a lot of things that went on with his family. Normally, he would eat every night at one of his brothers’ or cousins’ homes. He hated eating alone at his apartment and he learned throughout the years that going over for dinner not only meant good home cooking, it also meant he knew about every little detail that went on in the lives of his family.

Even the little things like Ava liking the blue balls out of all the bags of balls he got the twins for their ball pit. Or that Kate had a major breakthrough with a kid in her class the other day.

Donovan and he had listened to her talk for almost half an hour straight about some boy needing special equipment. And he couldn’t care less about that equipment, although it was a pretty cool story, but what mattered most to him was that Kate finally was at ease with him enough to open up about her day.

It wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t show up weekly at their home to have dinner with them.

“Would you like to join me and Fi tonight? I’m curious about Emmy’s new dish.”

Teagan shook her head. “Sorry, I’m going over to a friend’s tonight.”

“Oh? Do I know him?”

He watched her eyes widen for a moment before she narrowed them. “No. And he’s just a friend, so stop it already.”

“Does Ryan know about this guy?”

Sure enough, the moment his name fell from his lips, his cousin walked into the ring. Ronan watched how Ryan took the rope from Fianna and lead the horse out of the ring.

“My brother is crazy, Ro. I’ll never tell him about any guy until I’m going to marry him. It’s just not worth the hassle.”

Poor Ryan had five sisters, and they all were a handful, if you’d ask him.

“He’s only looking out for you, cuz. Give the guy some slack.”

“I’m twenty-one, Ro. I’m not some vir—”

He didn’t want to hear it, so he put his hand over her mouth and sang, “La-la-la-la-la-la.”

She giggled against his hand before she stepped back.

“Just as crazy. I swear. I’ll see you around, weirdo,” Teagan said with a chuckle.

“Yeah, well, I think I’ll ask Donovan to track your phone so we can come look you up.”

She gasped in horror. “You wouldn’t!”

“Oh, I sure would. Maybe I should share this idea with Ryan.”

Teagan huffed and said, “It doesn’t matter. Bring it on.”

Ronan liked a dare and said, “Challenge accepted.”



Fianna weaved her hands through the raven mane of Stormchaser. “Hi, Stormy. Are you enjoying your day out?”

She sensed Ronan’s eyes on her back, but didn’t care. She wasn’t about to talk to her horse differently just because he was listening in.

The soft purring sounds coming from Stormchaser were reason enough to keep sweet-talking him. He nickered once more when she rubbed his neck.

“I can’t believe I’m actually jealous of a horse.”