Errin had spent the entire day with Pops. His grandfather had their last day in Austin all planned out. He took her for a walk in the city and stopped for lunch at his favorite place, after Lucky that is.

Errin wanted to have drinks with just the girls at the beginning of the evening, so she could catch up with her sisters and friends. But now it was time for the guys to join, so they also could say their goodbyes to Errin.

“Fuck,” Dunc said next to him. Brennan was trained to oversee a crowded bar fairly quickly and froze in his spot when he noticed Errin. His eyes feasted on her as her body moved with perfect rhythm to the music as she stood on top of one booth.

Even in high heels, with little room to work with on top of a table, she out-danced all other women present. The sexy movements of her swaying hips made him swallow a lump in his throat.

She was dressed in a tight black dress that came mid thigh. But seeing Errin shake her butt on a table or any other flat surface in a bar was not some rare sight.

“What? She’s enjoying her last night out in Austin.”

Suddenly, Don walked through the crowd like he owned the place and walked with determined steps straight over to the back of the bar.

“No, not Errin. It’s Kate and Bree, man,” Dec said before following Donovan on his heels.

Brennan walked behind them and on his way over to the stage, he halted before Errin and pulled her into his arms in one big swoop. She yelped in surprise but didn’t seem too bothered by his cave man ways.

“Hi, Gorgeous. Having fun?” he said, his mouth pressed against her ear.

“Yes! Did you see Kate? I’m so proud of her. She’s always so shy and look at her—shaking her butt to that song. She’s really making progress.”

“What do you mean?” Brennan asked.

Errin leaned. “When we were young, she would hide her figure in oversized clothes and hated her thighs and butt. It wasn’t so bad anymore before we moved out here, but I guess Donovan is helping her to appreciate her figure.”

Brennan laughed. “Ha. Yeah, he appreciates her figure all right.”

He walked them over to the stage and joined Dec and Don, who watched the girls like a hawk. Kate blushed like nobody’s business but held on to her routine with Bree as they sang, “I like big butts and I cannot lie.”

Declan cheered them on, and even Donovan grinned. As usual, his aloof brother only had eyes for his Kate and the moment the song ended, he held out his arms for Kate to jump into. She held on to him, wrapping her legs around his waist while he spoke into her ear. Her eyes widened, and she nodded.

Dec held out his hand for Bree to walk down the steps to the stage. Squirt was a bit wobbly in her purple high heels that matched her dress and nodded in thanks at Declan.

She accepted his hand, but the moment Bree was down, she let go andwalked past him. Dec tried to halt her and as he laid his hand against her shoulder, but she sidestepped him and kept on walking to the booth where Kayla, Fianna and Emmy sat with the rest of his brothers and cousins.

Errin shifted in his arms and he let go of his girl.Fuck. She’s not exactly my girl, now is she?

“I can’t believe you did that! I’m so proud of you, sis,” Errin shouted at Kate. Donovan held his arm around Kate’s shoulder but smiled at Errin’s words.

“Are you crying?” Kate asked Errin.

Errin wiped a tear away and said, “You really kicked some ass out there.”

Brennan smiled as Errin boasted on and on about Kate coming out of her shell.

“Thanks, sis.” Kate said and kissed Errin on her cheek.

“Let’s get a drink,” Declan said next to him. After being unmistakably dismissed by Bree, he was back to sulking. The group walked back to their booth, but Brennan held Dec by his shoulder.

“I take it you haven’t had a talk with Bree yet?” Brennan said.

“Shit man. We’ve talked all right. We…” Declan moved in closer and as he lowered his voice he said, “We spend one night together at my place in September, and then again two weeks ago. Fuck, Bren. That first night was everything, man. But every time I think we can finally be together, she freaks out. She’s been ignoring me for the past weeks.”

“Why didn’t ye tell me something had happened between yous earlier?” Brennan said. He was agitated with his brother as Declan normally told him everything of importance.

“She’s spooked and she wants to keep it between us. She doubts my feelings, but I’m going after what’s mine. Ever since I’ve first laid eyes on her dark curly head...” Dec shook his head, smiling.

“Damn, is it even possible to find the love of your life when you’re just eight?” Declan said.