Brennan slapped Dec’s back, “I’m rooting for you, bro.”

“Thanks,” Declan said as they walked over to the booth.

Brennan took a seat next to Errin, and she took his hand in hers under the table. “How was it today? Got a lot of work done tearing the place down, before making it shine again?”

He glanced down at their laced fingers and squeezed once, just to remind himself she was real. He looked up at her. “It’s going all right. We’re even before schedule. Tomorrow I’ll have a day off, so tonight and tomorrow I’m all yours,” he said, waggling his brows. She smiled so coyly, he couldn’t help but kiss her. Hard.

Out of breath, Errin said, “Bren… We have to stop kissing like this. If we don’t stop now—”

“I know, Lips. I know… It’s your last night out and you want to stay till the end.” His eyes drifted over her face, taking in every detail.

He nuzzled her nose with his before kissing her again. His brothers’ hoots and hollers traveled over the table suggesting for them to get a room somewhere, but other than flipping them off, he didn’t let them ruin his night. Fuck them if they took offence.

He would take whatever Errin was giving him while she was still here. Like a bird waiting around for some crumbs, he was here for it all.

Errin kissed the corner of his mouth. “Mmm. I was thinking maybe another hour or so? And then I have a surprise for you.”

His heartbeat raced, and he tried to hide his smile by taking a swig from his beer. She traced his lips with her thumb. “I love your smile,” she said. “And sitting here… seeing you smile…” she shook her head like she had already said too much.

“What?” He squeezed her upper thigh under the table to encourage her to keep talking.

“It’s silly.”

“Tell me, baby girl.”

“I’m just realizing why in the world you would ask me for a picture of a smile. I thought it was weird, you know? Out of all the things you could have picked.” She grinned and rolled her eyes mockingly.

“But now… I want to take that smile off your face and carry it with me everywhere I go,” she said as she traced his lips again with her thumb. “I…” she chewed the inside of her cheek before she averted her head.

He took her chin in his hand and brought her eyes on his again.

“Take out your phone,” he said.

“W-what?” she blinked quickly, and he nodded. She took her phone from inside her black dress, where it rested over her left breast inside her bra. It reminded him of the night they kissed for the first time, after the Halloween party in Lucky. She unlocked her screen and handed it to him.

He opened the camera app and held out his arm. He flipped the screen so their faces appeared on the phone and put his arm around Errin’s shoulders. He tugged her tight against him and she laughed out loud.

Her laugh was infectious, and he wholeheartedly joined her. He shot a few pictures and even took a couple while they kissed. He laid the phone on the table and grabbed Errin.

He placed her on his lap and as she turned in his arms; she laid her arms around his neck. She gave him a long, sensual kiss and the hollers from the others in the booth reappeared.

Errin smiled against his lips as she bit her bottom lip, and he couldn’t stop the goofy smile that overtook his face. He never laughed or smiled as much as in the last few days together with Errin. The thought this would end tomorrow night pained him.

“Don’t be sad, Bren,” she whispered, suddenly eying him with worry.

“I can’t help it, Lips.”

“I’m thinking real hard over here to come up with a joke. Shit. Normally, they just pop up at the most awkward moments and I can’t keep them from coming out.”

“Maybe there are just no jokes. Maybe… it’s fuckin’—”

“Oh! I got one!” she perked up on his lap, making his dick stand up at attention again.

“Shit. And so excited to tell me, too. Okay, come on. Break me heart, lass.” He placed a hand on top of his heart while exaggerating his Irish brogue.

“Knock knock….” She grinned and waved her hand for him to answer.

“Who’s there?”