Page 56 of Diary of Darkness

“All right…all right, I promise I can do all of that next time.”

“And you never go down on me.”

Once more, she giggles nervously, and even in the dark, I can tell she’s blushing. “Is that what this is about? You’re mad at me because I won’t give you a blowjob?”

“No, that’s not all it is,” I say, feeling a rush of butterflies at the thought of her lips around my cock. “But it would be nice occasionally if you showed an interest in giving me the same pleasure I give to you. I love going down on you, it’s one of my favourite things to do, but how about you return the favour, just once in a while?”

She bites her thumbnail and looks away. “Okay fine. Like I said, I’ll do it next time.”

“Next time, next time. That’s all you keep saying. How about right now? How about taking me into your bedroom right now and showing me what you can really do?”

Jessica massages her temples. “I can’t take you into my house, it’s too risky.”

“I thought so. Can I ask you something?”

“Go on.”

“Is there ever going to be a time when we can stop hiding in the shadows? When we stop meeting each other under the cover of darkness? You say that you love me, but will there ever be a day when you are proud to walk down the street with me holding hands in public? Will I ever be introduced to your family, to your mother and Freddie?”

She falls silent again and I know I’ve got the answer to my question. Jessica has failed the test miserably. So, Beatrix was right. This girl doesn’t love me.

“Get out the car, and this time I mean it.”

“You’ve got it so wrong about me,” Jessica says quietly. “You think I don’t want to go down on you? Of course, I do, but I’m scared, Alex. I’m sexually inexperienced. I’ve never done anything like that before and I’m nervous, okay? It’s not because I don’t want to. And all of that stuff you said about me not wanting to introduce you to my family, well, it has nothing to do with the way you look. I’m holding off you meeting them because I still haven’t figured out a way to explain how we know each other. I can’t exactly tell my mum about the escort agency, and let’s be real, you don’t exactly look like you work for a modelling agency, do you?”

She sighs heavily. “It’s just so bloody complicated right now, but you’ve got to stop making this about you when it isn’t. I’m the one with the issues. Now I promise, as soon as my mother returns from Germany, I’ll figure out a way for you to meet her. Yes, she might be a bit shocked when she first sees you, but in the end, she’ll accept you if she knows that you make me happy. We just need to wait for the right time, that’s all.”

“I’m still not buying it,” I say. “To me it’s obvious you’re terrified of people finding out about us. You’re embarrassed to be seen with me. You don’t want Cynthia or Freddie to see me because of how hideous I am.”

“Hideous? No, you’re not hideous…at least not to me. Not anymore. Stop believing you’re ugly because it just isn’t true, Alex. You’re the sexiest guy I’ve ever met, everything about you is sexy and that includes your extraordinary face. Listen, let me tell you something about me. Have you ever seen the movieLegendwith Tom Cruise?”

I shake my head. “No.”

“Well, it’s a fantasy film set in a magical kingdom. In the story, Tom Cruise’s arch enemy is a devil called Darkness played by Tim Curry.” She pauses and then she whispers seductively: “Want to know a secret I’ve never told anyone? One summer when I was thirteen years old, I watched that movie on repeat, and you know what? Tom Cruise didn’t get me wet. Darkness did.”

For a long moment, I sit rigidly in the driver’s seat, completely lost for words. It’s like I’ve been hit by a thunderbolt. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine a girl saying these kinds of things to me. I can’t believe it. This is what I’ve been waiting to hear my whole entire life and I’m so filled with emotion I’m rendered speechless.

And then Jessica shoots me a smouldering look with those beautiful eyes of hers and I almost come in my boxer shorts.

“I’ve changed my mind,” she purrs. “I want you to come to my bedroom now.” She reaches down and takes hold of my hand. “We’ll have to go in through the back and be very, very quiet, but you can stay for a little while. I want you to teach me how it’s done, Alex. Show me how you want me to touch you, where you want me to kiss you, how you want me to suck you. I’m ready to do anything to prove to you how much you mean to me.”

I exhale softly, still unable to speak. Oh my God, I cannot believe this is happening. Finally, I’ve met my soulmate, someone who is prepared to do all the things I could only dream of. Silently, we leave the car and walk hand-in-hand to Jessica’s estate, taking the route through the dark communal gardens to access her bedroom through the back window.

As soon as we get inside, Jessica switches on the bedside lamp and wastes no time getting down to business. First, she lifts off my hooded cloak, throws it to the floor and then stares at me for a long time, her brown eyes glistening with adoration. Reaching up, she lavishes me with the warm touch I’ve craved for so long.

Gently, she strokes the side of my cheek, caresses my stubble, then tenderly runs her long slender fingers over the entire surface of my face, touching every irregular bump and jagged contour without a shred of fear. Her hands move over my lips, my nose, my forehead, my eyelids. I exhale with pleasure. No one has ever touched my face so intimately before and it excites me to distraction.

Keeping her eyes fixed on me, she slowly begins to unbutton my shirt and tosses it over a chair. For a moment, she gazes at my pumped-up chest and perfectly chiselled torso and the desire in her face is unmistakeable.

“Your body is so beautiful,” she whispers. “I want to taste every last inch of you.”

Her words give me goosebumps and I get sort of choked up. Then plunging her fingers in my hair, Jessica pulls me in for a long, hungry kiss that makes me dizzy with longing. Her lips are soft as silk and hot as Hades. She’s never kissed me like this before and the sweet taste of her mouth sends me half crazy. It’s like I’m completely drunk or something.

Slowly, seductively, she takes off my shoes. Then she unbuckles my belt, unzips my Moschino jeans, pulls them down and does away with those too. Quietly tells me to lie down on the bed. Eagerly, I follow her instructions, more than happy to take orders from my queen. The way she looks at me makes my dick ache.

Starting at my neck, Jessica works her way down gradually, her hot tongue seeking out every hollow, every crevasse, leaving a trail of indescribable pleasure everywhere her mouth touches. I moan loudly. She places one hand over my mouth.

“Sssh! My mother might hear you. We’re going to have to be really quiet, okay?”