Page 55 of Diary of Darkness

As I continue to stand in the wardrobe with my eyes closed, getting horny from inhaling her wonderful smell, I decide it’s time to test Jessica’s veracity. The next time I see her, I need to find out exactly how far she will go to prove her love for me.

“Oh my gosh, that was so bloody good,” Jessica gasps, smoothing down her hair and straightening her skirt. “I needed that so much. All day long, it was all I could think about. My God, I thought I was going to go insane…oh, Alex, that was fucking amazing.”

“I’m glad it was so good for you,” I mutter darkly. Drumming my fingers on the steering wheel, I stare gloomily through the windscreen at the surrounding houses. Everywhere is pin-drop quiet and there’s not a living soul about.

“Are you okay?” she asks timidly. “You seem like you’re in a bad mood tonight.”

“Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. Absolutely…fine.”

Like hell I am.

It’s two o’clock in the morning and we’re parked in my Range Rover a couple of streets away from Jessica’s flats. We’ve just finished fucking in the back seat and she was so wet, so excited, she came within two minutes and then said she was too sore to carry on. And I hadn’t even got started, not by a long shot, and now I’m stuck here with a raging hard-on and nowhere to go, feeling used and far from impressed about the way this night is developing.

It had all started off so well. Around six pm, for the first time ever, I received a phone call from Jessica begging me to come down and see her. She said she was gagging for my dick and needed me to come over and give her a good seeing to. Well, of course I was over the moon and said hell yes, I could drive down right now to see her. It was just the tonic I needed to soothe my bruised ego after all the crap with Beatrix earlier. I saw Jessica calling me as reassurance that she wasn’t just in this for the money, that she really wanted to be with me, and we had finally reached a breakthrough.

But then my heart sank when she told me not to drive down just yet, wait until later, just in case one of her neighbours saw us together, which suggests she’s ashamed to be seen out with me. And now this ‘one hit and it’s over’ thing has me feeling sick all over again. Maybe, just maybe my mother was right. Perhaps it is just money and a couple of quick fucks Jessica wants from me and nothing else. The thought of it is driving me crazy and I decide it’s time to use a bit of reverse psychology to get to the root of her true intentions towards me.

“Um, so how was the traffic coming down to London?” she asks, fumbling to make conversation. “Did you have any problems getting here?”

“No, the roads were completely clear,” I say. “It’s two in the morning. Not exactly going to be busy, is it?”

“Good point.” Jessica gives a nervous giggle. “Well, I-I guess I should be going now. I mean, it’s getting late and it’s a bit risky hanging around so close to my house. You know, someone might see us.”

“Funny. You weren’t worried about taking risks when I was just pounding my cock into you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. Look, if you want to go, then just go, okay? I’m bored of sitting here having inane conversations about nothing. I didn’t drive all the way down here for this. Go on, get out the car. Go!”

There’s a moment of loaded silence. Jessica remains in her seat. The entire Range Rover smells of her pussy and it’s getting me so horny it’s hard to think straight.

“Alex, why are you so angry with me?”

“What do you care? I told you, get out of the car.”

“Please talk to me. Why are you behaving so—”

“I said get out of the fucking car now!”

Trembling, she hurriedly reaches for the door release.

“So, is that it then?” I say coldly. “You’ve climaxed so now I’m summarily dismissed. Is that it? No thought whatsoever to whether I’m satisfied. Is that how this works?”

“I’m sorry about that. I know I came too quickly, but it’s only because you turn me on so much and it had been building up in me all day, I just couldn’t hold out for very long. I promise to make it up to you next time.”

“So, you’re just going to leave me hanging? You’re not even going to try to get me off?”

“What do you want me to do? I told you I’m too sore to…” Her sentence falters. “I guess I could…I could give you a hand-job?”

“I don’t want a fucking hand-job. I can do that all by myself. Why would I drive all the way here just for that, huh? Talk sense woman.” Moodily, I focus on the glowing dashboard, my stomach tight with sexual frustration.

“Then what do you want from me?” Jessica demands, her temper rising. “If you’d stop being so cryptic, maybe we could get somewhere.”

“I want you to touch me.”

“What are you talking about? Idotouch you.”

“No, you don’t, not properly. You let me fuck you, that’s all. You just lie on your back and leave me to do everything, and don’t get me wrong, I love fucking you, but I want more now. I need to be touched, Jessica. I need to feel your hands, your lips, your tongue all over my body. I need you to show me that you want me and do all the same things I do to you to make you feel good.”