Asharp pain pulls me away from a disturbing nightmare. I was being chased in the woods as my dog was ordered to attack me. I shiver and lean against the steel bars of my cage, then wince and realize this reality might be worse than the dream.

I think it's the middle of the night, not that I can actually tell. I hate being trapped in this dark, damp space, knowing that I have a comfy bed upstairs.

Fuck, how could I have been so stupid? I should have just stayed in my room. Now everything is a mess.

But if you hadn't explored, you would never know about Nicole.Fuck, Nicole. My baby sister. When I first saw her, I was so excited, but now I almost wish she had stayed dead. I can’t imagine the hell she’s been through being with him all these years.

The tightening of my belly starts again, and I whimper. A noise catches my ear from outside the steel bar door. I take a deep breath in and cry out, “Please, Rex. I need you.” I try to shout, but it comes out as a groan. I hurt. I feel like my stomach is trying to strangle my insides, and my back is throbbing. I adjust my position to lay on my side and curl into a ball, rubbing my stomach gently.

“Please, baby, not yet. Mommy can’t lose you. Not yet, my little moon. You need to stay in there a little longer.” A strong kick hits my palm, and I smile through my tears.

I never knew how much I wanted to be a mom to this innocent baby. Now that my time is running out, I fear that I will never get the chance. I adjust again and try to find any position that's comfortable.

A gush of wetness hits my thighs, and I'm too scared to see if it's blood. I don't think I could survive another moment like that. Memories of that night flash through my mind, making me more scared than I was before. I’m all alone here in my cage. If something were to happen, he wouldn’t find me until after.

I know this baby is coming soon, and when it does, I'll be dead. There has to be some way to save us and convince Rex that he still needs me.




Ileave the bathroom, hoping for a round three only to find an empty bedroom. “Cat, where are you?” I shout, but all it does is echo around the empty space. I pick up my boxers from the floor and pull them on, then walk over to the window. The driveway is empty except for my car. What the fuck?

A phone buzzes on the bed, and I grab it expecting it to be Cat telling me where the hell she went, especially since she’s still not cleared to drive, but it’s not mine. It’s hers. I open her messages to a text from her dad.

Dad:Just landed. Please tell me she’s okay! I am getting the first flight back.

I leavehim on read and scroll through her other messages, but there isn’t anything. I open her call log and dial the last missed call.

“Montgomery Medical,”a soft-spoken woman says over the line. I smile and try not to laugh. Oh, tonight just keeps getting better and better.“Hello, is there anyone there?”I clear my throat.

“Yes, I’m sorry I was just returning a missed call, can you tell me if anyone was brought in with the last name of Baker?” She tells me to please hold, and I’m fighting not to burst out in laughter.

“Sir, yes we have a Nicole Baker here. We are trying to reach her family. Are you family?”I don’t bother answering and hang up.

I quickly dress and grab my keys. It’s time to go catch me a kitty cat.




“Idon’t understand, baby. Why are you not staying with me?” Kitten asks me, and I press one more kiss to her lips, then move out the door.

“I’ll be back later. Get some sleep,” I call out as I leave. I need to go check on my other kitty. She has been in that cage for a few hours now, and I know she is going to need to use the bathroom and most likely shower. I was telling the truth when I told her I was done with her. But she is still pregnant with my princess. I’m not a total monster.

I open the basement door to screaming. God, she’s so dramatic. Taking my time walking down the stairs, I reach the steel door with the bars in the middle to a sight I wasn’t expecting. Cat has her feet pressed against the bars of the cage with her knees bent. She’s panting and crying. I unlock the door and turn on the light.

Cat is in active labor right now, and I can see my princess’s head. Oh shit. I might be sick.