“I fucking hate you, Rexley Scott,” she screams at me, and I allow it. Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have left her here so close to her due date. I move over to her cage and unlock the side. I can’t do much from this angle, but I grab her hand and let her grip it for dear life. Just a few more pushes, then my little girl will be here, and my life will finally be perfect.




“Idon’t understand. Who would want to hurt Nicole? She’s supposed to be going to Italy for the next six months for a modeling job,” I tell the officer once more. I think I may be in shock. The fact that I’m sitting here and not having a panic attack about the last time I was in this hospital when I was losing my baby may be a sign.

“Well the car she was driving was an older model wagon so it is possible that it was faulty brakes, but the way the lines were cut is clean, so I’m leaning more towards them being tampered with.” He says some other things, but my mind is elsewhere.

Someone slams into the waiting room, and if I wasn’t so excited to not be alone here, I may have noticed the scowl on Rex’s face or the way he aggressively grabbed me.

“What are you doing here?” I ask him, but he just pulls me into a hug and tugs me onto his lap.

“When I couldn’t find you, I saw your phone,” he replies, and I nod. I should be mad about him going through my shit, but after everything, that’s one of the lesser offenses he’s committed against me.

“Who is this?” Officer Clark asks, looking at Rex questionably.

“My boyfriend,” I whisper, fighting the flinch as my body is trying to react to the pressure on my butt. I am so sore, and the way Rex is holding me down on his lap is not helping. I squirm, and he growls quietly into my ear.

“Unless you want me to fuck this ass again, I’d suggest sitting still like a good kitty.” I freeze and try to listen to the rest of what the officer is saying. He asks Rex a few questions, and I can tell he’s starting to become annoyed.

“Okay, Cat, I think that’s all I need for now. Can you please give me a call when your father arrives? He may have some more insight into your sister’s life.” I nod and take his card, then he stands. I try to stand to shake his hand, but Rex squeezes me tighter, and I do flinch this time. Officer Clark frowns, and I try to give him a reassuring smile, but it’s shaky at best.

“Thank you, Officer. I’ll be in touch,” I say quietly. He nods, then walks down the hall.

When he leaves, I move over to my own chair, and Rex excuses himself to make a phone call. I still haven’t heard from my dad, and I hope he’s on his way back. A nurse finds me pacing and tells me Nicole is in the ICU, in critical condition, and that the next forty-eight hours are crucial. I fall to my knees and sob as my body just can’t stay upright any longer. Why? Why does this shit keep happening to me? Nana, my baby, now my sister!

Rex finds me clinging to a chair as I cry, and he pulls me into a tight hug. “Shh, Kitty, it’s okay. You have me, and I’ll never leave you. It’s okay, baby. Everything will be okay.” I know he is just trying to reassure me, but the tone of his words sound more like a threat than comfort, and chills run down my spine.




Ihold my son and let my happy tears fall. Even covered in goo, he’s perfect. Rex is pacing and having a fit over the fact I didn’t give him his little princess. My body is hurting, and I’m so tired, but that doesn’t matter right now. I know my time is running out, so I am going to soak in every moment with my baby. I know I need to name him, but at the moment, I can’t think of anything special. My father’s name comes to mind, but I know that’s a battle I won’t win, and I don’t want to even bother fighting about it.

Today should be one of the happiest moments of my life. I should be surrounded by the people I love, as we welcome this new innocent blessing. Instead, I’m shaking from the exhaustion and blood loss, and as I hold onto my child for dear life, I’m terrified about what Rex is going to do next.

Rex leans closer and peeks at our child. I give him a tear filled smile and he scowls. I glance at my child and take a clean part of my sundress and wipe him down. He looks up at me and cries as I rock him gently. I hum a lullaby my mother sang to me and Nicole and let the tears fall.

“You are perfect,” I whisper, ignoring Rex’s snort. He yells one more thing, then storms out of the room, slamming the door in the process. He left the cage open, and I know I could move freely, maybe rinse off, but I don’t budge. I just soak up my baby and everything he is.

“I am so sorry, little one. I’m sorry for being so weak, for the monster who is your father. For the life you’re going to have without me. I know you don’t understand a word I’m saying, but I love you so much. Having you is one of the most precious gifts I have ever received. I just wish I could be here to see you grow up.”

He blinks up at me with clear eyes, and I try not to scare him with my emotions. I know my body’s shaking right now, and I need to rest. I slide a breast out for him and stimulate my nipple. I hope he latches. I don’t know what I am doing, but I remember a lady at the church doing this to feed her baby. It takes a few tries, but once he’s eating, I lean back against the stone wall and close my eyes.

The slamming of the door startles me awake. “Time's up, Cat. Give me the baby.” The baby, not his baby. Rex moves closer to me, and I hold my baby tighter.

“Let me stand, and I will bring him to you,” I tell him, then maneuver my way out of the cage. I wince from the pain and ignore the stickiness between my thighs and the blood running down my leg. If this was a normal circumstance, I’m sure I would have been stitched up. I face him and lean against the cage. I’m dizzy, and I know I need a shower, nap, and food.

“Before you do this, can I ask just one question?” I have been trying to think of a plan, and I still don’t know what to do, but maybe I can stall him until I finally come up with something to protect me.

He nods, frowning at our son, and I sigh. “Why me? Why am I the one you always come back for? Why couldn’t you let me go and move on? It seems you have had my sister this whole time. Why now, after everything? After kidnapping me, bringing me here, making me fall for you again. Having a child with you. Why do you want to get rid of me?” He snorts and starts to pace.

“That is more than one question, and you know the answers already. You’re just stalling, but it’s pointless, Cat. I am sick and tired of all the disappointment that seems to surround you. I was happy before I met you Cat. I was normal. I never hurt anyone. I had a future. Then you had to come along with your blonde hair and baby blue eyes, and I fell head over heels for you. You are the only one I have ever felt such obsession for, so once I rid myself of you for good, maybe I can get my life back.” He takes a step closer to me and my baby, and I slide away.