Kerberos snarls at the vampire. “You feed the blood demons?”

With a dark chuckle, Nix bites her wrist and lets her blood drip onto the ashen ground. “We’re sort of like family, aren’t we?”

Kerberos shakes his head. “They will not let you live, vampire. The blood demons will kill you.”

“Not before they kill you to get to me.”

“Crazy bitch,” I whisper, facing the immediate threat.

Counting four in total, I figure we can take them without much trouble. That is until one disappears and reappears next to Mateo.

“Mateo!” I scream his name.

He whirls, brandishing a dagger and slicing at the cloaked figure. The blood demon vanishes again and reappears behind him.

Colt fires his gun, hitting the demon in the mouth and causing him to jump back to his friends.

“Don’t let them bite you.” Kerberos shifts and races toward them.

Blaze follows suit, snapping his jaw at a blood demon but missing the mark. His teeth snag on a cloak but it’s ripped away as the creature apperates.

I’m so busy watching them I don’t realize Nix has snuck over to me until a knife slams into my back.

This gives a whole new meaning to back stabber.

Moaning at the pain lancing through me, I pivot, bringing my foot along the ground to swipe hers out from under her.

Nix jumps over them and flashes around me. I spin, trying to keep her in my line of sight and yank the bloody knife from my back.

I only have a split second to check on everyone. Nicole and Maria are working with Evelyn to take down one of the blood demons. Mateo, Grayson, and Colt are trying to herd two of the demons away from the one Kerberos and Blaze are trying to take down.

Zander appears behind the demon who swipes at Evelyn and shoves a sword through the body of the demon.

An ear-splitting shriek emits from beneath the hood.

“I expected more from you,” Nix whispers in my ear.

Fucking hell. I drop before she can grab me. Her fingers catch on my hair and she rips a piece out.

Through my red tinge vision I see her scowling at me.

A loud crash sounds a few hundred feet away. I whip my head toward the barren trees. Something large is skittering around. The tops of the trees sway.

Nix is distracted, her face growing pale at whatever creature is approaching, so I take the advantage and spring at her, knocking her to the ground and stabbing her with a knife I pull from my thigh sheath. She screams at me and bucks, tossing me off of her.

I land on my feet and whip another knife out, slashing it through the air. Nix flashes as I anticipated and the blade digs into her shoulder. Her body crashes into mine.

Twisting before she can crush me beneath her, I land on top of her. My hands are at her throat. I grit my teeth as she digs her fingers into the wound on my leg.

“Gah,” I shout, squeezing her neck. “Fucking cunt.” A sudden rush of strength fills me and one thought fills my head.

She must die.

Her eyes are bugging out of her head from the force of my hold.

“What the fuck is that?” I ask when I hear a weird chittering.

“Hell scorpions; they feast on blood demons.” Kerberos and Blaze are shifted back to their human forms, standing above one of the fallen blood demons.