“Where are you going?” Mads called after her.

“Does it matter?” Kenna hurled over her shoulder.

“You don’t have a car,” I pointed out, taking off after her. “I’ll drive you,” I offered when her hand shot out to the door. I wasn’t about to let her just wander off on her own.

She lifted her chin and ground her teeth together. “Don’t bother. I’ll call a car. I don’t need anything from either of you.” She swung the door open, a gust of wind blowing in her face, sending her hair in a wild swirl much like her temper.

“Kenna!” Mads called after her, but she just kept stomping off through the shop exit.

“Should we go after her?” Ainsley asked, despite the bleak expression on her face. She knew that Kenna was family, even if we didn’t seem to get along.

“No,” Mads sighed in defeat, her shoulders slumping. “Just let her go. When Kenna gets into one of her moods, it’s better to let her just calm down. Her temper can be vile.”

“I know someone else who has a nasty temper. Must run in the family,” Ainsley muttered as Izzy and Emily left the shop, pleased grins on their lips.

“It does,” Mads agreed as the three of us still stood at the front of the shop staring at the door, Kenna gone, no longer in sight.