“What? Why?” Kenna asked as she put the shirt she’d been looking at back on the rack, Izzy and Emily gaining her full attention.

The cheerleaders continued to shoot me ugly glowers as Emily snarled, “Why don’t you ask your sister? You heard what she did.”

These bitches.

I smirked. “Watch out, or I’ll take the two of you down next. Stay the hell out of my way.”

Ainsley jerked toward them, meaning to startle them. It worked.

Izzy and Emily both gasped as if they’d never been threatened before. The coffee cup in Izzy’s hand sloshed over the rim, dribbling onto the cuff of what appeared to be a very expensive sweater.

I snorted.

Kenna’s frown deepened. “What school is she going to?”

Keeping an eye on Ainsley and me, Emily replied, “She’s at Berkton Prep.”

Berkton Prep was a private school like Elmwood Academy, in the next town over. I felt sorry for the girls who attended Berkton and whoever Ava choose as her next victim, because bullies like her weren’t satisfied if they didn’t have someone to make miserable. It made me wonder what was so bad about Ava’s posh life that she had to belittle and harass others. Or perhaps the bitch was just evil like Carter. Explained why they got along so well, a frightening team.

“Who cares?” Mads sneered. “She got what she deserved. The shit she did, Ava is lucky no one pressed charges.”

God, I loved Mads. She was a true friend. I hated to admit that I had been a bit worried with Kenna back, Mads and I wouldn’t be as close, but so far, that wasn’t the case, and I couldn’t be happier about it.

I had very few friends to begin with, minus the Elite. They were a different breed offriends. Something more. Something that couldn’t be classified or shoved into a box.

Kenna glanced to her cousin, a funny expression on her face as if Mads was a puzzle she was trying hard to figure out. “She’s my friend.” Kenna had been on the cheer squad with Izzy, Emily, and Ava.

“And you know she was a bitch. How many times did you come back from practice bitching about her?” Mads said, calling Kenna out.

This was not how I anticipated our shopping trip unfolding, and I could see this situation ending on a sour note.

Izzy and Emily scoffed, clearly appalled that Kenna would do their best friend dirty like that. The whole thing was laughable.

“Whose side are you on?” Kenna snapped.

“It’s not that simple,” Mads jumped to my defense. “A lot has happened since you left. A lot of shit you don’t know about.”

“Clearly. You used to be my best friend.” Fiery brown eyes darted to me, accusation blazing in them.

Here we go again. Did I call it or what?

Another thing for Kenna to blame on me. She hadn’t just lost Ava and the guy she’d been crushing on for years, but now Mads too. Kenna was used to her cousin coming to her defense. This was new territory for Kenna, and I didn’t think my sister liked it.

It would be entirely my fault in Kenna’s eyes.

“I still am,” Mads defended, sounding hurt.

“Are you?” Kenna accused, her voice raising and not caring that she was making a scene. “Because it doesn’t seem like you’re on my side.”

“Why do I have to choose sides? News flash, Kenna. You’re both my cousins. This isn’t battle of the triplets, for Christ's sake. You said you had changed. That things were different….” Mads shook her head, hurt clouding her grey eyes.

“You’re the one who has changed,” Kenna hurled, causing Izzy and Emily to sneer. If I didn’t know better, the two showed up here just to make trouble.

I glared at them.

“You’re right. I have changed,” Mads agreed. “I’m done with the bullshit.”

“This was a bad idea. It was supposed to just be us. You and me,” Kenna said to Mads before she shoved past Izzy and Emily.