Page 11 of An Alpha's Claim

“Purity? Is that what you’re thinking, William? Is any other wolf shifter here carrying these same thoughts as this fake Alpha?” I asked. I felt Malic move out of line and slip into the shadows of the pit. My eyes had never left the wolf William, who I knew cared little for others in this Pack if they weren’t wolves.

“I…I never said I did, Alpha. I…I am just stating what we have heard, and these are valid questions. I do not doubt that Quinn Savir is the True Alpha.” William said quickly. His eyes darted around frantically, looking for Malic.

“A demon possesses this rogue, and none of his words are ever to be trusted. Now, who else has heard this talk and never thought to bring it to your Alpha!” The growl and command that were laced in my words had each head bowing. I knew some of the wolves here only cared for their species, and nothing would change that fact, but I never thought they had a problem with a turned were-shifter. I knew there were very few who kept to themselves off-Pack lands. I saw Malic appeared behind two male shifters that sat behind William. He placed both hands on their shoulders and pulled them from the seats. I felt Jarod step forward as I waited for any more to be removed to the side about their beliefs. This Pack served one Alpha and one True Alpha. I understood that maybe this rogue had infiltrated packs before they even got there. The Packs that were taken down and Alpha killed were because they had inside knowledge. This demon started its infestation before it even came to town. Jarod stalked back and forth as he eyed each Pack member before he spoke.

“This Pack has always been a mixture of shifters. We never and will never turn our backs on any shifter in need. We accept all with no question of heritage, and we only ask that you believe in your Alpha and wolf shifter law. I know that many of you do not trust Hunters, but they are best at hunting demons. Suppose this demon has already gotten into the minds of a few of you. What will happen when it comes, because it is coming. We need every advantage, and at the moment, we have one of the best advantages, thanks to our True Alpha. That is a Hunter who can find, fight, and destroy a demon. Who here can tell me that they have done the same?” I listened to each of my member’s murmurs and thoughts as what Jarod said hit home. He was already thinking along the same lines as I was, and that was that shit had already started. This rogue and demon would try to destroy my Pack from the inside out.

I could feel that my Pack began to see the need for a Hunter. I could also sense their fear about trusting a Hunter who may leave us to die because they don’t consider it their problem. I completely understood it, and I could not fault them for it. This is the main reason why I did not want Devana at this meeting. No one trusted her, and I still felt something was off even knowing she is my Mate. It was lucky for William that Malic took him as well from my sight because I almost tore his spine through his mouth. Devana is my Mate, and she is not a shifter, so William’s feelings about that matter hits close to home. Not only that, but we have others here who have been bitten or scratched, and they should not have to hear his hatred.

“Alpha, I know that we may need this, Hunter, but…how are we supposed to fight beside someone that we do not trust?” Nessa asked. I looked at the others in the Pack who would be fighting and saw the same frustration in their eyes.

“What about our pups and cubs? How will we protect them from this rogue?” Another member asked.

“I will protect my Pack. Nothing will touch our children.” I stated. I felt my brothers lock eyes on me as I made that statement as a law. “Who of this Pack will put aside their misgivings of Hunters and trust their Alpha in this decision? Who will make sure that rogue will never touch another Pack?” I knew my eyes grew a burning violet as I spoke, and I knew my words instilled courage and a sense of purpose for my shifters. I took in a breath and caught a scent that should have been in bed and not in my pit. I turned my head to the opening, but I saw nothing. It didn’t matter because my wolf saw all on this land. Devana was here, but she chose well to stay out of sight for now. I let my Alpha energy flow through the Pack to feel the safety they craved and expected to feel from me.

“Tonight, we will prepare our land and protect our children. OUR True Alpha has chosen this Pack to handle this, and we will. If you hold the same beliefs as these fake ass wolves and that fake Alpha, this is no longer the place for you to live. This family has always taken in others of different species and protected them as well as bitten wolves. Tonight is the only night you are free to leave this land and Pack. If I find that any member of this Pack is working in the same belief system as this possessed wolf, you will become my enemy.” I looked around to each pack member so they could see the deadly seriousness of my words. “All of you know how I deal with my enemies, and you will not receive any mercy from me but a quick death. Am I clear?” I heard some whimpers from Pack members who weren’t as strong as others from the pressure my power put on their bodies. I knew everyone needed to understand that I meant what I said and that this wolf and all of his followers would suffer Pack law. Their actions meant death, and every Pack member in this meeting knew it to be law.

* * *


I knew Dax could feel me just as his Mate pull called out to me as well. I couldn’t shake the vision of what happened or forget the words that the demon spoke. As I listened to the meeting, I heard all the concerns, knowing these shifters would not trust me. I couldn’t blame them because we have ignored our mission and purpose for far too long. I slid along the wall of the pit and overheard shifters being dragged out of the meeting. It didn’t matter what race, breed, or species you were. There would always be others who think they are superior to the rest. I pressed my back to the wall and slowed my breathing as I listened to the shifters.

“Malic! Malic, this is crazy! I said nothing about disobeying my Alpha. I should not be prosecuted because I have stronger beliefs!” An older wolf shifter spat. I watched as Malic and three men stood facing each other. They were all huge men, but Malic was larger, and his Alpha influence pressed down on the senses. My gaze flicked to the opening, and I saw the Beta Dimitri coming out to stand next to Malic.

“Cut the shit, William. You just keep running off at the mouth and digging a deeper hole for yourself,” Malic growled. Malic took a step forward, and the other shifters took one step back.

“Fuck this, Will! It was all funny at first, but they are serious. I have a family I need to think about, and this Pack provides that safety for us.” The shifter moved away from William and the other shifter, putting him outside of Malic’s metallic gaze.

“Smart move, Cecil, but don’t move any further,” Dimitri grunted.

“Listen, Malic, Dimitri, it’s like he said all fun and games. Yes, I believe that a born wolf is true, but I don’t harbor ill intentions toward anyone! Hell, I have a family and just want what is best for them! So just listen to what...”

“Malic! I don’t know what Will has going on, but I was just in it for the free alcohol and boredom. I don’t care if you are born, bitten, scratched, or hell, even if you are a damn alien! I have no problems!” The other wolf said, holding up his hands.

“Joel, get your ass over there with Cecil’s, simple ass!” Dimitri growled. Joel moved quickly to the side without hesitation.

“Now, hold the fuck up!” William said as he pulled himself taller. My eyes narrowed on the wolf. His movements were jerkier than they should have been. All supernatural creatures have a grace about them that looked effortlessly beautiful, except for a demon. I knew that William wasn’t possessed as the wolf running around claiming to be the True Alpha, but he was being groomed for a possession. The darkness that surrounded him gave me an eerie feeling. The mostly invisible scratches on his neck that should have been healed were made in a pattern. No one but another Hunter would notice or understand its meaning. William was marked, and his soul is in danger of being taken.

I knew I had to act fast if I wanted to help this man and everyone in this Pack alive. God only knows how many others here have been marked like him.

“William, you need to calm down, or I will have to put you down. All of you will wait for the Alpha to finish, and he will deal with you himself!” Malic growled. The other men looked down and away, but William didn’t. I saw the mark extend further down his neck, the more his anger grew.

“You, Malic, are not the Alpha of this Pack and are a pup compared to me. I am an elder, and you should learn some respect!” Spital flew from his lips as Malic’s eyes blazed in the night. I saw Dimitri reach out and grab Malic’s arm, and I noticed his hand was formed into the claws of his wolf. William looked down and backed up with a sneer.

“You best keep your mouth closed, William, because I cannot hold Malic back.” Dimitri glared at the man.

“Fuck you, Beta!” William snarled as he dropped to all fours. His clothes began to shred as he began shifting into his wolf form. I couldn’t wait any longer because they would kill this wolf. I moved out of the shadows in one step and flashed forward. I saw Malic and Dimitri’s eyes flick toward me as I moved in their direction with quick steps. I crashed into the shifting wolf, knocking the giant creature to the ground. I rolled to my feet, making sure my blades were away. I didn’t want to kill him, only help this wolf.

“A Hunter! She’s attacking William!” One of the other men that were with William shouted. I looked into the brown eyes of the wolf as he shook himself. William’s wolf is dark brown, but his ears were tipped black with a gray muzzle. He growled, showing me his sharp fangs. I could see the faint red glow in his eyes.

“He’s gone feral! Get away from him. This is Pack business!” Malic growled. I knew he was moving over to me, but I wasn’t about to give him the time. This type of mark is like an infection, and if another gets bit or scratched, it will move onto the next. So this one wolf could infect the entire Pack.

“Stay back!” I shouted. William howled and leaped for my throat.

Ididn’t have time to look toward Malic when William came at me with teeth bared. I dropped low, letting the wolf sail over my head. I came up as the wolf hit the ground and spun around in place to face me. It felt as if everything was happening in slow motion, but I knew it had only been seconds. I moved while I took out one blade to remove the infected skin before it was too late. I took in a breath and could taste Dax’s scent in the air and feel his power as if it caressed my skin.

“She’s attacking him!” A woman shifter screamed, but it was too late for anyone to stop me. I let the wolf land on top of me as he leaped to meet me. Its jaws were clamped on my arm, and I could feel the pressure, but it wouldn’t break through my Hunter gear.